elitereefs deals are in


New member
Anyone want to split shipping on elitereefs frags. He gives 5-10 polyps each frag. Want the email pm me your email address.
Ninja, Have you ordered from them before? If so, I take it you were satisfied... Is it WYSIWYG? I'm interested.
i tried looking at their site and this message appear,

"We are currently moving our shop. We have decided not to renew the lease at our current location, due to setup problems. We will be selling/auctioning off most of the old equipment from our current store. Any customers that have outstanding orders with us, PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP so we can issue a full refund. This Saturday, Feb 2nd, We will be selling most of the equipment and tank setups from our systems, to avoid having to transfer to new location. We will also be clearancing/giving away the remainder of our livestock Saturday as well. We will be open 12pm-6pm on Saturday.
If you have any questions, Please feel free to email us at info@elitereef.com"
im in fer sure ... lol ive been buggin that guy for like 2 months n he said he would update it jan 1st what ever tho count me in
Woops, not sure if I'm allowed to post addresses, so I'll change my response. This is for "elitereefs" not "elitereef".
3 hours away, in Bartow, FL. I wonder what they'll have for sale. Almost worth the drive (except I'm now home now :( )

Get the photo here:

Or here:

Here is his web site. But he has some frags that are $10. PM me your email and I will send you the $10 sale.

So far ghstrider, FleeVT and loyalrogue have expressed interest in frags from him.

I have never ordered from him before but I have traded emails. Once I was going to go by his house for frags but it did not work out. I will contact him Sunday morning to tell him what frags we want. Ship is $21 flat fee.

I am located in Davie I595 and 136 ave. Make certain that you want to come up here before we order. I know its far for some.

I know what loyalrogue wants. Post here or pm me your list.
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Hey Steve, what's the latest update?
Has the order been placed yet?

Btw, I've ordered from him before and was happy with the service and the corals.
I got exactly what was described.
5-10 polyps for $10.
ive ordered from him before, overall good service.

although i have to say, in the end i was happy w/ what i got, the pictures were a little deceiving.
loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Red Velvet Crush. Alt: Fire and Ice $34

g8rorchid Wants: artic infernoz, sublimez $24

Jon770 Wants: Red Velvet Crush, Fire N Ice, Double Visions, Artic Infernos $44

FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Sublimez $44

Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Sun Flowers, Red Velvet Crush $44

I am going to pm everyone my number. Please call me tomorrow. I just want to make certain that everyone will pick them up. I am also going to get a thurs delivery. So be prepared for a thurs night pick up.
I'd agree with Clockwurk. I've ordered from them before. Pics are a bit deceiving.

But then again.............. Everyone's lighting is different.

It's still a good deal.
Three have confirmed there order:

g8rorchid give me a call tonight if your still in. I have pmed you my number.