elitereefs deals are in

Here is the email reply on inventory

Red Velvet Crush is only one frag of 31 polyps for $20 We can try to break in in two or three. I would take it for $20. Split it in 2 is probebly easy. Three may be hard. I am really bad at fragging things. So we may need to get together on this one.

loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Red Velvet Crush. Alt: Fire and Ice $34

g8rorchid Wants: artic infernoz, sublimez $24

Jon770 Wants: Red Velvet Crush, Fire N Ice, Artic Infernos $34 Do you want to substitute something else?

FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Sublimez $44

Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Sun Flowers, Red Velvet Crush $44

I have everything except for the doubly vision. Also I only have one large double frag of red velvet crush left. someone could break up the red velvet to be three frags but I don't send fresh cut frags so I'm selling it as a double with 31 polyps on it. let me know and I can send an invoice right away. some things are limited right now so be sure to let me know ASAP.
as always I will place each order into its own labeled cup so it is easy for you to know who gets what. thank you in advance for your business. I have no doubt you will be very happy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11822783#post11822783 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by illal
fyi theyr out of red velvet crush :p

He just email me about 2 hrs ago he has 1 more large frag.
Depends on the shape of the rock they are on as to how easy it will be to frag.
Snip across the bottom of the rock and where it breaks determines the size of the frag.
It would be best to let it get over the shock of shipping before it gets manhandled again.
I'll take a half or third of it whichever way you guys decide.
loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez Alt: Fire and Ice $25 or $35 if you want the F&I.

Jon770 Wants: Fire N Ice, Artic Infernos $25 Do you want to substitute something else for doubly vision?

FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Sublimez $45

Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Sun Flowers $35

loyalrogue and I are going to spliit Red Velvet Crush Jon770 do you want a 1/3?
Red velvet will add $10 if split by 2 $7 by 3.

I have not herd back from g8rorchid. I have assumed he is out.

I want to get this finalized my morning. If you three don't post by then I will call you. Just trying to make everyone happy.
Hi Steve,
I'm still in with one change, the Arctic Infernos instead of the Fire and Ice.
My final list:

Neon Eagle Eyes
Arctic Ice
and a split of the Velvet Crush

Either $42 or $45 will be my share depending on the split.
Jon770 Wants: Fire N Ice, Artic Infernos $25 Do you want to substitute something else for doubly vision? Jon770 do you want a 1/3 of the Red velvet for $7?

loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Arctic Infernos. & Red velvet $45 or $42

FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Sublimez $45

Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Sun Flowers & Red velvet $45 or $42

I want to get this finalized my morning. I just need to confirm with Jon770. I will call him in the am. If I cant get him I will order the 2 frags and we can figure out the red velvet later. We may also need to look at the frag and figure it out then.
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Sorry Steve, I made a change on you at the last moment.
See my post above.

I want the Arctic Infernos instead of the Fire and Ice.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11825674#post11825674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
Sorry Steve, I made a change on you at the last moment.
See my post above.

I want the Arctic Infernos instead of the Fire and Ice.

Got it.
Sorry I didnt respond...I have been crazy busy.

As discussed, I'm in for a peice of the red velvet crush if it can be fragged. That was really my #1 choice out of everything....

And whatever I substituted on the phone. I totally forgot already.
Order sent in. Now I am waiting for a paypal invoice to confirm.

Jon770 Wants: Fire N Ice, Artic Infernos, Sublimez 1/3 of Red velvet (Sub RA Dragon eyes) $42

loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Arctic Infernos. & 1/3 Red velvet $42

FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Sublimez $45.25

Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Sun Flowers & 1/3 Red velvet $42

Our order is in but if you want to order some and have him put it in my box thats cool with me. Ours does not ship till tomorrow for a thurs delivery. pick your frags and pay him. Then you will just owe me a couple bucks for shipping.

Pm me if your in. I will shoot him an email saying its ok.

The only catch is that you have to be prepared to come to davie on thurs night to pick them up. Or in the morning when they arrive. I595 and 136 ave. aka exit 1.
i just got my frags today and im very happy ! only complaint is a few of the frags wernt what i asked for but everything is really bright so im fine with it... ill try n post some picks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11832777#post11832777 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by illal
only complaint is a few of the frags wernt what i asked for

What do you mean. Like you said you want one frag and he sent another? Thats not cool.
Hi there - sorry for not responding. I thought I had pm'd you. Did you end up putting my order in? Sorry for any confusion.

As this is going to not ship till next week I may open it up again for more people. Stay tuned. I should have that answer later today.

vnizzle and g8rorchid this means that it may open back up for you guys.

Here is the updated order for my group.

Jon770 Wants: Artic Infernos, Lava Flow, Cousin IT 1/3 of Red velvet $42

loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Arctic Infernos, Lava Flow, Cousin It. & 1/3 Red velvet $62

FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Cousin IT $45.25

Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sun Flowers, radio active dragon eye, Lava Flows, Cousin IT & 1/3 Red velvet $More that I am going to tell my wife.

Jon, the fire and ice are out. Edit: Jon don't apologize. I made that mistake on the order but I have corrected it.
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