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Here is the email reply on inventory
Red Velvet Crush is only one frag of 31 polyps for $20 We can try to break in in two or three. I would take it for $20. Split it in 2 is probebly easy. Three may be hard. I am really bad at fragging things. So we may need to get together on this one.
loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Red Velvet Crush. Alt: Fire and Ice $34
g8rorchid Wants: artic infernoz, sublimez $24
Jon770 Wants: Red Velvet Crush, Fire N Ice, Artic Infernos $34 Do you want to substitute something else?
FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Sublimez $44
Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Sun Flowers, Red Velvet Crush $44
Red Velvet Crush is only one frag of 31 polyps for $20 We can try to break in in two or three. I would take it for $20. Split it in 2 is probebly easy. Three may be hard. I am really bad at fragging things. So we may need to get together on this one.
loyalrogue Wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Red Velvet Crush. Alt: Fire and Ice $34
g8rorchid Wants: artic infernoz, sublimez $24
Jon770 Wants: Red Velvet Crush, Fire N Ice, Artic Infernos $34 Do you want to substitute something else?
FleeVT wants: Neon Eagle Eyes, Artic Infernoz, Sun Flowers, Sublimez $44
Me I want: Neon Eagle Eyes, Sublimez, Sun Flowers, Red Velvet Crush $44
I have everything except for the doubly vision. Also I only have one large double frag of red velvet crush left. someone could break up the red velvet to be three frags but I don't send fresh cut frags so I'm selling it as a double with 31 polyps on it. let me know and I can send an invoice right away. some things are limited right now so be sure to let me know ASAP.
as always I will place each order into its own labeled cup so it is easy for you to know who gets what. thank you in advance for your business. I have no doubt you will be very happy.