Emerald Crab in sump?


New member
I know my sump/refugium should be free of predators but I have red bubble algae growing like crazy in there and i tried to remove one but it just oozed ::yuck::

Would it be safe to get an emerald crab in there and not have to worry about my pods and etc?
Crabs are opportunistic predators and I wouldn't put any money on the new addition restricting its diet to only things that you want it to eat. It's always hard to predict what an individual emerald crab will or will not eat though: it seems to vary a lot by individual. On the plus side - it should be easy to catch if you need to take it out of your sump right?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6918484#post6918484 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wryknow
Crabs are opportunistic predators and I wouldn't put any money on the new addition restricting its diet to only things that you want it to eat. It's always hard to predict what an individual emerald crab will or will not eat though: it seems to vary a lot by individual. On the plus side - it should be easy to catch if you need to take it out of your sump right?

It shouldn't be a problem since my sump isn't that big (just alot of LR and chaeto really and full of pods/mini stars/etc.