Emergency! Help!


Active member
I just got finished doing a water change and acclimating a new fish. When I had the bag floating to get the temperatures to match, I smelt burning plastic and saw some smoke around the MH. I thought that maybe the bag somehow got too close and was smoking or something.... so I opened the canopy completely and walked away a few minutes after not noticing anything else. I came back and noticed more smoke. It was coming from the last one of my RIO pump (man, these things suck... I have gone through 6 of them in the last year and recently switched). It had frozen while in the water and was smokin like crazy. I turned off the power to my pumps and pulled it out.

I noticed some black residue floating on the surface of the water and I am pretty sure it came from the pump. Is my entire tank in danger of being polluted. I just did a 40% water change, and have no way of getting any water until tomorrow morning if I need to.

Has anyone else had this experience? Am I ok? If I need to start salvaging my best pieces and fishes, what is the best way of doing so at this time?

If it is oily film skim it off the top of the water with a cup and do a 20-30% water change.

At marine depot you can get a seio 860 for 45 bucks ;)
Good luck just read about this type of thing happening with a RIO pump last night. Someone said won't happen with the new pumps. let me know if yours is new because I am ready to throw mine out if it is. don't want this to happen to me. Where did you get it? I got mine about 6 months ago from that fish place, and if they know about this I will be upset for them selling it to me. People need to stop carrying them if they are a problem. obviously get out all of the oily water and add carbon and water change as soon as you can. Please start a thread about Rio pumps and your problem to warn others in the future. Again good luck. Michael R
If there's still scum on the top of the water drag a paper towel (or several) over it. That'll at least get the surface goo out of the tank.