Emergency Tank Stuff Sale (Livestock)


New member
So I can home this afternoon after work to find have my 40 gallon water on my floor. Cleaned it up and got the fish an coral out. I just can't do it anymore right now. I'm in a grad program for nurse practitioner and a CVICU nurse it's too much right now. I am will to take 500 for everything I will repond to texts my number is 870 740 0038 you can PM me if you want but I have my phone more than I do being on here. First come get it and can do whatever with it.

I have :

2 clowns Percs.
1 Flame Angel
1/1 Green Clown Goby/ Yellow Clown Goby
1 Blenny Lawn

1 Birdnest
1 Clam Brown/Purple
1 Colony of Frogswan
Some baby frogswan frags
Blue Mushroom Rock
Elegance Coral
Ricordias several
Brain coral (Don't Known the Name)
Pipe Organ

2 Fire Shirmp
2 Shunk Shrimp (Small)
1 Pep
2ish Brittlestars

Lots of live rock around 50lbs

I don't have much time. I can't bring anything to anyone they would have to come get it. Bring buckets but it's on your own. In addition, Everyone was alive this morning if someone dies it dies I do not refund. You can contact me via text and let me know that you want it and can come look at it and leave but pretty much it's either going to a fish store or drying up. I'm already upset I just want to see everything go.

This is a great buy for someone. I will take paypal or cash only. My deadline I'm setting is Wednesday ish. If you text me at the crack of dawn I'm not going to respond. I will when I wake up at 9-10am. If you want it, I need it to go that day as well. It I didn't spell or say something right sorry I'm sick and feel horrible. I can't really do pictures because they are in a plastic tank. I'll do my best.


Shawn Austin BSN CCRN-CSC