In Memoriam
ok so I'm pretty sure I figured out my problem... my calcium was about I did a 50% water change to help w/ alk is normal though just about 200ppm (a bit on the high side but that's how our water is straight out of the tap). I also moved the powerheads around a bit more tonight and I have a few corals that are extending their polyps more now...I think the flow was just TOO much for them...I am worried though because one in particular, a brown acro, is basically *peeling* away from the tips down. Nothing is RTN'ing from the base up but the brown acro and 2 other SPS are missing flesh in spots. I don't think redbugs are a problem in my tank...all my SPS were thuroughly looked over and it's a matter of finding the right flow now and making sure my calcium never gets that high again...