End Earth Hour 2010

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It's pronounced Bone
I just got an email about Earth Hour 2010 and figured others may be interested in it. It is one hour when you turn off all unessential lights, tank lights can certainly be turned off for one hour. Earth Hour 2010 is on March 27, 2010 between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m EST. Most peoples tank lights are either off of in sunset so its not a huge deal, but turning off pumps that are not needed would be usefull and it's still something to do in your home.

Here is the email that I received.

Dear Fellow East End Environmental Organization:

On March 27, 2010, people from around the world will participate in an action that will take a stand to protect our planet against climate change. For one hour, they will turn off all non-essential lights. Over one billion people from 88 countries used their light switch to cast their Vote for Earth in 2009.

On a local level, members of the East End Chapter of Earth Hour have been preparing for the next Earth Hour 2010. We are affiliated with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and under their guidance have put together an informational brochure as well as curriculum packets for grades K-2, 3-6, 6-8, and 9-12. The lesson plans help raise awareness about the problems inherent in global warming, the problems this planet is facing with regard to climate change, and how we can affect change. We are currently putting these packets together, our brochures have been printed, and we are awaiting the graphics from WWF to print a beautiful poster that reads "“ Your Light Switch is Your Vote. We hope to put these posters in strategic public places.

Earth Hour is scheduled to take place on March 27, 2010 between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. We believe if we can educate our youth, the "seventh generation," we will have accomplished our mission; that is, "œto inform local citizenry of the Earth Hour movement, to raise awareness of how their energy use and daily activities can affect the future of the planet, and how we can slowly change and possibly reverse the negative effects of global warming."

WWF's Earth Hour initiative provides a way for individuals, businesses, and organizations to express their concern for climate change and to call for action from our elected officials. This past December, world leaders gathered in Copenhagen (COP 15) to discuss solutions to this problem we all face. We have attached our brochure in the hope that you will pass this information along to your membership. If you have any questions, please email us at eastendearthhour@gmail.com. Thank you for your time. Hope we can count on your support.

With much hope for a healthier planet,

East End Earth Hour Committee

Helene Forst 324-7068
Jack Forst 324-7068
Kathy McCormack 324-7461
Rich Wilson 324-5532
Melanie Lauzon
I wish global warming would come my way, it is chilly here, oh wait I heard the other day that the current cooling trend we are in is really just proof on how fast the earth is warming. Oh I am so confused now.
LOL....The last "earth hour" actually used more energy to bring all the electricity back on line then it saved. It's a nice idea but impractical in application.
Basically, the idea behind global warming is that buildups of carbon monoxide and florocarbons eat away at the Earth's atmosphere and allow large amounts of UV radiation down to the surface. These rays would normally be bounced back, but the are trapped in the atmosphere with the buildup of pollutants. This creates a warmer environment.

So with the warming, comes the melting of global ice sheets. Antarctica starts to melt and releases millions of year old cool ice water into the oceans, thus raising the water levels and cooling the water. This cold water mixes with the global currents which contain generally warmer water. When this mixing happens, the water becomes colder then normal and basically slows the movement of warm water throughout the oceans. When the currents slow, weather patterns change and things start to cool.

This is how it was explained to me. I am not advocating global warming but am just voicing an opinion.
Basically, the idea behind global warming is that buildups of carbon monoxide and florocarbons eat away at the Earth's atmosphere and allow large amounts of UV radiation down to the surface. These rays would normally be bounced back, but the are trapped in the atmosphere with the buildup of pollutants. This creates a warmer environment.

So with the warming, comes the melting of global ice sheets. Antarctica starts to melt and releases millions of year old cool ice water into the oceans, thus raising the water levels and cooling the water. This cold water mixes with the global currents which contain generally warmer water. When this mixing happens, the water becomes colder then normal and basically slows the movement of warm water throughout the oceans. When the currents slow, weather patterns change and things start to cool.

This is how it was explained to me. I am not advocating global warming but am just voicing an opinion.

No - that's not correct at all. You are confusing the ozone hole with global warming.

Global warming is like putting on a heavier blanket. In the case of the Earth, the blanket consists of gases like carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and others. In the traditional sense we have not considered these gases to be pollutants - though the EPA is now considering CO2 as such. If the levels of these increase (as CO2 has) then the heat radiated from the Earth's surface bounces back and is trapped in more efficiently than in the past.

I wish global warming would come my way, it is chilly here, oh wait I heard the other day that the current cooling trend we are in is really just proof on how fast the earth is warming. Oh I am so confused now.

Climate change leads to cooler temps and more snow in the northeast during the winter, sorry I feel your pain.
I wish global warming would come my way, it is chilly here, oh wait I heard the other day that the current cooling trend we are in is really just proof on how fast the earth is warming. Oh I am so confused now.
Yes, you are apparently confused. Global warming refers to statistically meaningful global trends. Cold temperatures in PA are representative of regional weather, not global climate. Even under the worst-case scenarios there will still be winter, there will still be places that are cold- some colder than they are now, and each year will not be monotonously warmer than the previous one.

Also, there are actual rules to statistics. You cannot follow the rules and arrive at a "current cooling trend" using any of the temperature records- UAH, RSS, GISS, NCDC, or HadCRUT. To do so you either have to pick a time period that is too short to be statistically significant (ATM that's anything shorter than about 14 yrs) or simply cherry-pick a few points and compare them (almost always with 1998 as the starting point). That's the statistical equivalent of dividing by 0- it might look plausible if you don't know what you're doing, and might give you an answer you like, but it's flat out wrong.

Even if you did follow bad practice and just plot a regression since 1998, only 2 of the 5 main data sets have a negative trend anyway. However, using any period long enough to be statistically significant gives a positive trend in all 5 data sets.
Yes, you are apparently confused. Global warming refers to statistically meaningful global trends. Cold temperatures in PA are representative of regional weather, not global climate. Even under the worst-case scenarios there will still be winter, there will still be places that are cold- some colder than they are now, and each year will not be monotonously warmer than the previous one.

Also, there are actual rules to statistics. You cannot follow the rules and arrive at a "current cooling trend" using any of the temperature records- UAH, RSS, GISS, NCDC, or HadCRUT. To do so you either have to pick a time period that is too short to be statistically significant (ATM that's anything shorter than about 14 yrs) or simply cherry-pick a few points and compare them (almost always with 1998 as the starting point). That's the statistical equivalent of dividing by 0- it might look plausible if you don't know what you're doing, and might give you an answer you like, but it's flat out wrong.

Even if you did follow bad practice and just plot a regression since 1998, only 2 of the 5 main data sets have a negative trend anyway. However, using any period long enough to be statistically significant gives a positive trend in all 5 data sets.

If you really expect me to read your post, or even try to debate with you over this particular subject, you are gonna have to change your avatar, wow she is hot. Maybe she is the source of our global warming. I could copy and paste just as many articles supporting my point of view as you have, but I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
If I was at all confused, or believed any of the hype of global warming, well the New York Times would and should be the last place I would look for info on global warming. They are probably the most liberal publication in the U.S.

google "warmest decade" and click news,then you can decide the news source or better yet get the original NASA data. this issue isn't about liberal or conservative assertions, it's scientific fact something that seems to evade certain individuals.
I googled "warmest dacade" and it seems the article if it is an article has been removed or no longer exists. Atleast I couldnt find it. Please provide a link to what you're talking about if you have it.

As far as NASA goes they have refused for a couple years now to provide information under the Freedom of Information Act. That would show how NASA has shaped its climate data and would explain why they have repeatedly had to correct their data going back to the 30s.

I would agree that it shouldnt be about liberal or conservative but unfortunatly its been hijacked by politicians on both sides to get people to keep their lame *blanks* in office. What I've seen from the majority of todays statesmen I'm pretty confident they really dont care. Its all lipservice. ty
As far as NASA goes they have refused for a couple years now to provide information under the Freedom of Information Act. That would show how NASA has shaped its climate data and would explain why they have repeatedly had to correct their data going back to the 30s.
There's no need for a FIOA request to see where their numbers come from. The raw data used by NASA is available through GHCN online here. It has been available for many years:

The GISS processing code and documentation for it has been available online for roughly a decade. You can find it here: http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/sources/

You can also see simple summaries of how the analysis is done along with descriptions of updates to the process here: http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/

NASA is hardly the only body producing climate time-series, so it would be pretty hard for them to fudge the numbers and get the same answer as everyone else.

You can get other raw climate data here:

Processed surface temperature data and documentation from:
The Japan Meteorological Agency: http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/gwp/temp/ann_wld.html

The National Climate Data Center: http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/anomalies/index.html

The UK Meteorological Office: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature/

Satellite temperature time series from:
University of Alabama, Huntsville and Remote Sensing Systems: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/msu.html

Ocean heat content time series from:
National Oceanographic Data Center: http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/3M_HEAT_CONTENT/

I could go on and link to a dozen radiosonde and sea ice data sets, but lets be honest. I would be wasting my time since your mind is made up and no amount of data is going to change it.
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