Englishrebels 260 Gallon System Build

The cyanide or other toxins issue in fish collection is one of the "dark" areas that we can never know...We are not there to see them collected - nor is the exporter, nor the importer/wholesaler, nor our LFS....so you see my "shadow of doubt" theory about fish - when they die mysteriously.
One thing you can do for new fish - is to feed with Piperazine laced foods for a couple of weeks. This is an excellent wormer, and will help rid the fish of intestinal parasites that can stress the fish, causing it to succumb to illnesses that it may otherwise have been able to shake off. (Tetra makes this as a flake food - you can mix it in with frozen brine to get finicky eaters to try it)
Then, after this round of treatment - you may want to feed a food that includes an anti-biotic, for any secondary infections that can occur because of the parasites.
Hope this helps!


Well for some reason, after six months one of my Vortech MP40s decided to fall off the glass a week ago and I could not get it to stay put. Even if I aligned the wet and dry sides perfectly, the impeller would not turn and if I let go of the wet side it would slide down the glass.
After talking to Ecotech Marine and returning the unit they could not find any problems with it and it worked fine on their test tank. Then two days ago the second one detached itself -- same problem. It must be the earths magnetic field in my area that is causing this problem. :spin2:
After several days of messing around with a new motor and wet side that Ecotech sent me (they have great technical support by the way) I decided to call it quits and I ordered two Tunze 6105 impellers. GRRRR :furious:
Man that is so crazy with your Vortechs as my MP20 dry and wet side will not align itself at all and runs perfectly with almost completely off set positions ( imagine 2 dinner plates sitting BESIDE each other and no overlap, thats how my Vortech runs )...:strange:
Hi Alan, Long time!

Compliments of the Season to you and your family from Down Under.

'Been a while since you update your tremendous thread ... love the generator wired in; mine just has an extension cord through the window which needs to be manually connected to the strategic plug.

Overcast and showers with daytime temperatures 28 - 30C. We had Calfo over a few weeks ago, he came from early snow temperatures to 32-34C ... man, he struggled :hmm6: Nice guy!

You described your Blue Spot as "Dashing up to the surface and then falling back to the sand upside down only to repeat the move." This can also indicate a lack of oxygen in the water ... my experience with cyanide caught fish is that they pretty much waste away; the cyanide apparently inhibits their ability to ingest food so I'm told.

Alternatively, the cause might be Amyloodinium or 'ich'. This, it seems, is more likely as the fish are probably inclined to be infected due to living in the substrate where the tomonts come to rest after falling from an infected fish (new arrival?) The habits and colour of the Blue Spot would also make it difficult recognise any new infection until it is too late.

FWIW, I wouldn't introduce any new :fish2: for a :sleep: period of say a month and observe how the existing :fish1:do. This will let the tomonts cycle a few times and hopefully die off.

Then you will be happy again :love1:

Good luck and keep us posted on progress.


Tone :)
Thanks Tone
I didn't see any signs of ick on the BlueSpot and with it's color they would be easy to see. Lack of oxygen is not an issue that I am aware of (all other fish are doing great).
Hey Ralph, good to hear from you. Things have progressed nicely and I welcome a visit anytime. Much more work went into the rebuild then the original build...at least it feels like it.

I hope all is well with Alan...just looking for an update...I am sure his tank is maturing nicely.
Any updates? Hope all is well.
Thanks for asking but nothing much to report. Have been steadily adding corals. Jeff and I are going to Asheville this coming weekend to visit with T and a couple of LFS so will probably get some more and a male green Mandarin. I lost my Blue Spot Jawfish a month or so back (no idea why he died but he was swimming crazily the day he died). Out of the five orange stripe Cardinals I lost one to what looked like pop eye disease.
I'm not having much success with mushrooms in my display. I had a rock covered with green striped mushrooms and they slowly dissolved. I moved what was left to the 55G downstairs and they are doing fine. I got a rather expensive rock of purple mushrooms with blue spots about a month back. Thinking it was the bright light that was the downfall of the others I put this rock under an overhang under my LEDs but same thing happened. When I was down to one head I moved the rock to the 55G and it seems to be doing okay. Strange.
Hey Alan!

Say - can you tell me how to st up the "Home Page" - for viewing my build thread?
Or - where I can find that info?
And - I have fresh snow this morning! We have had 32'' total since Dec. 18.......Wear you fur lined cup!:spin2:
Hey Alan!

Say - can you tell me how to st up the "Home Page" - for viewing my build thread?
Or - where I can find that info?
And - I have fresh snow this morning! We have had 32'' total since Dec. 18.......Wear you fur lined cup!:spin2:

First highlight and copy the URL of your thread, then click on MY RC then clock on EDIT YOUR DETAILS on the left, scroll down to HOME PAGE URL and paste your thread URL.
I don't want any snow for when we come this Saturday so you better get shoveling. :spin3:
Thanks Alan!

I have the feeling there will be lots of "shoveling" going on while you are here...but probably not snow!:bigeyes:
any new sump pictures?? What media are you running in those filter cylinders??
I don't have any more sump pictures. The ones in this thread are pretty much how it is today. I can run up to three cylinders but have only used two to date -- carbon and phosban

Hope all is well with Allen. Haven't seen him post in sometime.

I'm fine thanks -- just haven't had much to report of late. I am battling a red slime outbreak right now. I am having to suck clumps off the rocks with a turkey baster. Am trying a new product recommended by Laurren at Elite Aquarium Systems in Greensboro. I have to do one treatment a week and am getting ready to do the second tomorrow. Laurren said that it will take a couple of weeks to see results so will keep you posted.
Laurren is also sourcing a Red Sea Sailfin Tang for me so will post pics when he's in the tank.
Allan, yes we all go through the cycles especially in new setups. I've had my fair share of battles!

Laurren as in former owner of Aquamain's or should I say formerly Aquamain's?

Would love to see what your dealing with from a cyano standpoint would you mind posting pics of the tank?