enough lighting for squamosas or hippopus?


New member
Hello all. I have a 10 gallon nano, and currently have some pretty cr*ppy lights. I was planning on upgrading to mh, but dont have close to the amount of money they are going for. So I was browsing around, and found 65 watt p.c. for my tank. I realize this is not enough for maximas or croceas. But can I geta hippopus at the bottom of the tank(tank is 8 in. deep), and a squamosa around the top? Would they be able to live well in my aquarium with this lighting. The lights are http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=3811
I am not sure about nanos, but I have an 80 gallon with a crochea. I had 110 watts on it. He did fine.

I recently added 220 watts. they are 55 watt bulbs. So if you have the luck I did, I think the bulb will be fine. But what I did was I built my LR up to the top. Then I put a flat rock on the very top and put him there.

Light intensity drops 50% for every 12 inches. If you have him 2 inches from a 55 watt light, that is the same intensity as having him in the sand with 110 watts.

So if you can get him on the top close to the light, he should be fine. And remember, people like high wattage to maximize growth. I think he will be fine. He just might not grow really fast.

And to note, I tried to put sand in the rock so he had a bed. He didnt want that and scootched over and attached directly to the rock with little tenticles that came out of his...um........rear. : )
thanks, I guess i'll go with that. DO you think I would be pushing my luck with a maxima/crocea (whatever one needs less light), all the way at the top like what you did? Thanks!
Yeah, don't do maximas or croceas. THey will just fade with time. I've seen it in others tanks.

You would probably be able to get away with a squamosa, but it will outgrow your tank.

I would actually be much more concerned with the stability of temp, salinity, etc. in your small tank.
Good! That's even better. Still not enough for maxima or crocea. :( I'm sorry They need MH. Some people do fine with VHOs, and stuff, but that is rare. Even then, many people do fine with them for a while, but they still don't last more than 6 months or so. Even at the top of the tank, they still won't get the PAR that a MH woulod produce.

96watt pcs over your tank are fine for a squamosa or hippopus. Just keep the tank stable!
thanks man. Ya thats gonan be a pain keepin it stable but AI think i could rangle it. I was looking through the photo gallery of clams, and seen this amazing deresa. All the deresas i've seen dont look close to it. Where would you be able to find it? I'll post a link to it in a sec
That's not a derasa., it's a maxima. Sorry! :(

Even if, derasas are of a slightly higher light requirement than squamosas and grow MUCH larger. I wouldn't put one in a tank that small.
mdhyde said:
Light intensity drops 50% for every 12 inches. If you have him 2 inches from a 55 watt light, that is the same intensity as having him in the sand with 110 watts.

erm, that rather depends on the type of lighting used, does it not? A metal halide will penetrate much deeper than lets say, a pc or VHO..
I believe you are correct. I saw Sanjay Joshi talk recently. His MH tests at 6 inches from the bulbs had like half the par of tests done at 3 inches.
I think your lighting will work for a squamosa for sure, but make sure you make arrangements for the amount of calcium this little bugger is going to drain from your system. check your calcium levels & make sure to maintain them!