Entire 50 Gallon Setup For Sale


New member
I'm moving, and there's not going to be space at the new place for my tank, so I am offering everything for sale. I at least want to sell off the livestock, but if someone has interest in the hardware, I will entertain that as well. I am on the north side of Indianapolis, and don't want to ship anything. If anything catches your eye, make me an offer.

I am by no means an expert at identifying coral, but I'll do my best. Pics of the setup are shown below, but the livestock includes:

(2) Maroon Clownfish, they have been known to lay eggs every couple of months, but I have never been able to recover any of the fry.

The large piece of live rock on the right side has many (at least 5) rose tip anemone's (some 6" to 8" accross), a big toadstool leather (about 5" or 6" accross top, 8" tall), and some zoanthids.

There are several large rocks on the left, all covered in blue mushrooms. Sitting on top is a flat stony coral about the size of a salad plate.

There many small fragments that have assorted corals on them, blue mushrooms, toadstools, and other soft corals.

The tank is a 50 gallon, with two power heads and a hang on protien skimmer. The stand and hood are home made. The hood has three VHO flourescents in it.

Please feel free to send me a message with any questions.

<img src="http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/130617tank.jpg">
Front of Tank
<img src="http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/130617lefttank.jpg">
Left Half of Tank
<img src="http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/130617righttank.jpg ">
Right Half of Tank
<img src="http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/130617rightend.jpg">
Right End of Tank
I am very interested in the rock on the rt side (the one with the rose tip anemone's on it). I have two marroon clowns that desperately need a place to call home. How much are you asking for this rock? I live very close to the northside of Indy.
I wish I had some where To put it. $300 would be a steal. Them corals in there would cost at least half that.


The clowns and a couple of the frags have been sold. I am going to lower the price for the whole setup (tank, stand, corals, rock, everything) to $200, or $150 for just the remaining livestock. Please send me a PM if you are interested.