ERRRRRR!!!! Blowing Sand


New member
I'm getting frustrated here and thought I'd put this out there for some advice. When I set up to take coral or fish shots, I usually end up taking anywhere from 100 to 200 shots a night after bracketing, different angles of the same shot etc.

My frustration begins when I download them to my laptop and find otherwise nice shots polluted with blowing sand all over the picture.

I always turn the powerheads off and let the tank sit for about 20-30 minutes prior to and I've even added a 20 lb bag of heavier grain of sand in a feable attempt to keep the finer stuff on the bottom where it belongs.

Am I missing something? My returns are the only thing running usually and I've even turned them off a few times so there was literally NO flow in the tank.

After downloading a nights shots, I get maybe 3 to 5 that aren't filled with sand grains and that's only because the shot was so close up, the field f view was too small to have anything else in it.

What am I doing wrong? I don't have that sugar-fine sand. I have a medium grain Carib-Sea.

Your advice is greatly appreciated....

I guess either aim your return lines a bit differently or shut them down for a period of time, possibly even too include when shooting.