Eshopps Esclipse Overflow leak issue with Arcylic tank


New member
Two weeks ago I drilled my acrylic 50 gallon tank and installed the Eshopps Eclipse Medium overflow box on the back of the tank. I did a water test a few days ago and I noticed that the two bulkheads on the bottom of the external box leaked water where these bulkheads meet the acrylic box. I decided to use the extra silicon I had from installing baffles in the DIY sump to permanently seal the bulkheads onto the overflox box. That took care of those leaks.

NOW I have another problem. Because an acrylic tank naturally bows (front and back) when it's filled with water, the two gaskets that sit on the outside of the tank between back of the tank and the overflow box is leaking ever so slightly. I think it's because of the bow created that the bottom of the gaskets is sealed while the middle and the top has some space between them. (I will take a picture later tonight to show exactly what is happening). Last night I put a paper towel underneath the leak and this morning it was slightly damp. I would guess that it leaks maybe 3 drops an hour, even though that's not much I don't want it to leak at all!

Does anyone have recommendations on how to fix this problem? Please advise.

Thank You.