Established 100 Gallon SPS Reef

yeah, that's awesome... you're going to have a massive bioload with 3 tangs and 8 or 9 anthias though... that's pushing it on a 100 gallon in my opinion... i'm sure it's doable, but it probably will get pretty crowded. but it looks awesome.
I was thinking the same about the fish bioload and room, a bit crowded. Anthias are so gorgeous and they do best in larger groups so I can understand the mix. I would love to add 5-7 anthias to my tank, a 70g cubish sort but I already have my max for fish. I figure if there is ever any attrition I might eventually replace with some anthias. Most of my fish are 3-5 years with me thus far. Keep us posted on how the additions go.
Thank you for your concerns about my bio-load. Honestly I have been a little concerned myself and I will take your comments into consideration. The three Yellow Tangs are still in my quarantine tank and I am now considering on only add one to my 100 gallon, especially since the remaining three female Square Anthias that are in the quarantine tank will bring the total number of anthias to 11 once they are added to the main aquarium. Thank you all so much for your posts and please view my photo gallery...might as well rate the photos while you're there.
The main tank has not changed for awhile so here are some pictures of my quarantine tank. I usually keep the fish in there for about a month or two. Right now it is fully stocked with fish that will be moved into my 100 gallon Reef....soon. More pictures to come.



Very nice tank! I thought for a second that the blue stag in the quanintine tank was rea l for a second there. Anyways very nice work keep us posted!
Yeah, you might be right about that being a lot of tangs for a 100 gallon. I have been thinking that myself and there is a chance I will only add one yellow tang.
No, I have never had the flame nip at any of the coral or clams. Flame angels are not as bad as many other angel and this flame was captive bred, which helps a bit.
Thanks for the replies. Keep the comments, questions, and suggestions coming.