ESV Salt - Question


New member
This is for those using ESV Salt. I recently started using ESV Salt, however, i have noticed in the last couple batches/buckets that in the Component A liquid, there are little white crystals that i can never seem to get to dissolve out. I have tried sitting the jug in warm water for hours and nothing. Do these crystals need to dissolve out before i using the solution? what seems to happen is that when i am at the end of the jug, a bunch of those crystals come out and i am not sure if this is something very concentrated that should not go in the tank.

Anyone have this problem? Thanks
I have the exact same problem. I do believe this is the carbonate falling out of solution on contact with air. I stick the jug in my newly made saltwater to get a bit of liquid back into the jug, swish it around vigorously then dump it back into the saltwater mix.

I either attribute this to being slightly cooler this time of the year (changing the amount that can be dissolved) or a change in what ESV is doing with their mixes.

To clarify - you don't see any crystals when the jug is full or just opening it. Only after you empty it out do you see the undissolved crystals sticking to the sides of the jug.
I see the crystals in the jug, component A, before I open it for the first time. That’s why I was concerned the the solution was no longer it’s full strength. I tried soaking the bottle for a long time and couldn’t get them to dissolve out...
Wrote to ESV out of curiousity. Reply is below.
“ The Component A of our B-Ionic Seawater System contains over 3 pounds per gallon of dissolved chemicals and is formulated to be extremely close to the saturation point of some of those ingredients. Although rare, occasionally a batch which is exposed to cold weather might precipitate some sodium chloride. Given the small amount precipitated, the final results of your mix should show no significant or measurable variations in parameters, including a mix made with the last liquid removed from the bottle. We recently tweaked the formula very slightly to prevent this...”