Euro-Reef gate valve kit


New member
I currently have the ER CS5-2. How much larger will this make the footprint of the skimmer (my sumps current size is 9x11.75) . Can you run the 90 right off of the tee or do you need to have certain amount of pipe before you add the 90. And will adding this gate valve kit reduce the amount of microbubbles?

The gate valve Euro offers is only for CS6 and above. So would be too large for the CS5-2. I have seen some people make some gate valve kits for the CS5 models though. You might do a search on ReefCentral and see if you can find some DIY plans on it.
Hi Lance,

I just found out EuroReef does make a gate valve kit now for the 5" models. You might try for one. WE'll be ordering some soon as well, but probably 2 weeks for ours.

I'll check back with you then. By the way what exactly the the gate valve kit do for the ER skimmers and how much more space can I expect it to take up?

The gate valve kit is just a different way of adjusting the skimmer. Instead of sliding the pipe up and down, you close or open the gate valve. So you can fine tune a little easier. I have a CS5-3 though and I adjusted my slide pipe and never had to mess with it. It's been running 3 years without adjusting. Some tanks just seem to need more fine tuning then others.

Your foot print should be the same with the gate valve on the bottom, it's going to take up a little more room in the middle where the gate valve comes out, but shouldn't be too much.