New member
I have a small auto top off system I'll use but with a tnak this large with twin 250 watt mh's and a 150 w mh I know the water will evap quikly. What water would everyone use? Sink water chemically treated, store front ro water?, or arrowhead water from the store? I've been told all three and want one final solution.
Also, how much weekly water change would you do on a tank this large with about a 80 gallon sump and a huge refugium, "around 30-50 gallon fuge"?
Thanks all for all your help!
One more thing: whats cheaper better? Self mixed saltwater, or store baught saltwater? I use store baught right now to do a 5 gallon weekly water change on my 25 gallon aquapod reef.
Also, how much weekly water change would you do on a tank this large with about a 80 gallon sump and a huge refugium, "around 30-50 gallon fuge"?
Thanks all for all your help!
One more thing: whats cheaper better? Self mixed saltwater, or store baught saltwater? I use store baught right now to do a 5 gallon weekly water change on my 25 gallon aquapod reef.