excess liverock storage


New member
Wondering how i would go about storing liverock for the long-term in my 10 gallon sump tank. I dont want to sell it to the fish store. Do I need a light down there or will the rock just go into "hibernation" without the light??? My tank feels crowded and i would like to free up some sand surface for more lively critters.
I have had 100 lbs of rock in my sump for 3 years with no light. it will lose all its color, but it will grow tube worms, and stuff, some sponges. It will still stay live, dont seel it back to LFS, keep it, if you put a light on it that would be ok. just keep it on a timer and only for a few hours a day, you dont want to culture hair algae down there.:)

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I agree with gobygoby.