Exotic New Monti

my cam sucks doesnt show the true colors its more red then orange. i keep mine under a mix of 10k 54W t5's 2x .2x xm 20k 250w mh . plus 2x 54w t5's actinics . i keep it high up in my tank 12" away from the lights .i have had this monti for a few months , and it starting to show purple flesh in some spots .
hope that helps
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9966616#post9966616 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REEFRHEAD
hmm i live near buffalo maybe we could get together sometime share a few things ;)
dont think the boys at customs will like that .
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ya you thinl customs wouldnt like it huh?? hmm i wonder what they would charge me with ??? i need to move mine up up up. and so far from what i have seen mhs and t5s give great sps colors