I got a small colony of A. Suharsonoi last week. I inspected it closely, still in the bag, and saw an 1/8" elongated white tranlucent worm attached & moving on the bag.
I've read that there're 2 types of AEFW, the oval brown one, and white tranlucent one. I've never seen the white translucent one, so I'm not sure if the one in the bag is AEFW, but I didn't want to take any chances.
So I dip the coral in levamisole for 5 hours & I put it in Q tank after.
Closely monitoring & inspecting the coral during quaranteed, but I didn't see any eggs & any suspicious worm looking thing.
I did another 5 hour dip yesterday (4 days after the 1st dip). Shortly after the dip, the coral started to RTN:mad2:
Any thoughts? Is the RTN caused by the 2nd levamisole dip or by being in the Q tank.
My Q tank is a 5g tank, and I have powerhead, heater & 96W PC running. I did changed the water every other day.
I've read that there're 2 types of AEFW, the oval brown one, and white tranlucent one. I've never seen the white translucent one, so I'm not sure if the one in the bag is AEFW, but I didn't want to take any chances.
So I dip the coral in levamisole for 5 hours & I put it in Q tank after.
Closely monitoring & inspecting the coral during quaranteed, but I didn't see any eggs & any suspicious worm looking thing.
I did another 5 hour dip yesterday (4 days after the 1st dip). Shortly after the dip, the coral started to RTN:mad2:
Any thoughts? Is the RTN caused by the 2nd levamisole dip or by being in the Q tank.
My Q tank is a 5g tank, and I have powerhead, heater & 96W PC running. I did changed the water every other day.