Experience with Levamisole


New member
I got a small colony of A. Suharsonoi last week. I inspected it closely, still in the bag, and saw an 1/8" elongated white tranlucent worm attached & moving on the bag.
I've read that there're 2 types of AEFW, the oval brown one, and white tranlucent one. I've never seen the white translucent one, so I'm not sure if the one in the bag is AEFW, but I didn't want to take any chances.
So I dip the coral in levamisole for 5 hours & I put it in Q tank after.
Closely monitoring & inspecting the coral during quaranteed, but I didn't see any eggs & any suspicious worm looking thing.
I did another 5 hour dip yesterday (4 days after the 1st dip). Shortly after the dip, the coral started to RTN:mad2:
Any thoughts? Is the RTN caused by the 2nd levamisole dip or by being in the Q tank.
My Q tank is a 5g tank, and I have powerhead, heater & 96W PC running. I did changed the water every other day.
We're still trying to figure that out... I started treatments about a month ago and have gone from 55 acro colonies and frags to about 5 that aren't melting away. Surefire way to get rid of the AEFW's, though... Several others have had rtn experience with Levamisole HCl during the treatments. We're trying to figure out if we are doing somethign wrong somewhere along the line, or if it is the medicine. Some highly touted people have used it (and published it as a method for eradication), so it must work for some... There are several AEFW thread in this forum. Hunt them down and scan through them. Sounds like your results are similar to mine and others right now.
From 55 colonies and frags, down to only 5 that survived the dip?
Wow, that's a bummer!
Is the levamisole dosage that we've been reading & using so far wrong?
I'm using the powder form.
The dosage has been a little high (3.36gr of 90% for a 20gallon tank, when there is only ~16 gallons volume), but another board member has dosed as high as 60ppm and has had some rtn, but not like I have. Another member has had some, but nowhere near as bad as my problems. I'm running my last treatment tonight just to run the course. The acros that make it will be snug back in their display by midnight...
why not

why not

why not try the TMPCC? It seems to work to me, but I over dose at more than 2x the recomended dose. I think and have been told by others using it that it will get rid of AEFW and red bugs at that concentration. I do not have any known infected frags to try it on. I am using it as precausion. I had those suckers over a year ago and will do anything to avoid getting them back.
Re: why not

Re: why not

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7232863#post7232863 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by imbuggin
why not try the TMPCC? It seems to work to me, but I over dose at more than 2x the recomended dose. I think and have been told by others using it that it will get rid of AEFW and red bugs at that concentration. I do not have any known infected frags to try it on. I am using it as precausion. I had those suckers over a year ago and will do anything to avoid getting them back.

i am on the process to get rig of those suckers using pro-cure.
how did u get rid of them?.. i already dipped my corals 5 th times and i still found them on my milli colonie.
good thing ,i only had them on one coral

I'm almost finished killing off this batch of well growing acros... I'm going to give TMPCC a shot for all future incoming, as the Levamisole treatments have been less than enjoyable for me. Just gotta find the stuff, now...
you asked

you asked

you asked so I will answer, but you will not like it. How did I get rid of them? 40hrs work +

-I broke down my 300 gallon tank, everything out!!
-Tossed 6-7 buckets of corals that took 6 years to grow anything that look effected took small frag when possible tossed the rest.
-Scrubbed everything down with hard brushes
-Added lots of warres 6x6line, few yellow,pipe fish, leopard..ect
-TURKEY BLASTED CORALS every day or 2 I think this help the most. I basted them hard!!!
-Didn't add a coral for a year.
I now as I stated treat eveything at a high does of TMPCC even if it kills the frag. So far even at a strong dose it works? Hope it stays that way. I don't have aefw or red bugs now and I hope it stays that way. I would rather kill 10 frags by anagressive treatment than get something in my tank.
I have used Levamisole at 40ppm many times and have not had any problems what so ever. I have not had AEFW's it is just part of my quarantine procedure. I do the dip in a 5 gal. tank with heater and power head.
Re: you asked

Re: you asked

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7233441#post7233441 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by imbuggin
you asked so I will answer, but you will not like it. How did I get rid of them? 40hrs work +

-I broke down my 300 gallon tank, everything out!!
-Tossed 6-7 buckets of corals that took 6 years to grow anything that look effected took small frag when possible tossed the rest.
-Scrubbed everything down with hard brushes
-Added lots of warres 6x6line, few yellow,pipe fish, leopard..ect
-TURKEY BLASTED CORALS every day or 2 I think this help the most. I basted them hard!!!
-Didn't add a coral for a year.
I now as I stated treat eveything at a high does of TMPCC even if it kills the frag. So far even at a strong dose it works? Hope it stays that way. I don't have aefw or red bugs now and I hope it stays that way. I would rather kill 10 frags by anagressive treatment than get something in my tank.
wow!!!!! what a pita!!!
did u dipped them in any solutions or just turkey blasted?
do u think if i keep dipping my corals i will get rid of them?
or i need to take everything out? i dipped them once a week

ime, in about 5-10 min they start to fall off. but it take some time for them to die. those suckers are pretty resistant

I think most things (Levamisole included) more stun the AEFW's than actually kill them (which is why you need to swish or powerhead them). Strong Iodine will make them shrivel, but it will also adversely affect your coral...


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7241129#post7241129 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gflat65
I think most things (Levamisole included) more stun the AEFW's than actually kill them (which is why you need to swish or powerhead them). Strong Iodine will make them shrivel, but it will also adversely affect your coral...

from what i am told TMPCC has the same active ingredient as Levamisole.It also has strong Iodine. I treated some frags small colonies tonight at a very high solution of TMPCC and IT DID IN FACT KILL THE AEFW. I was blasting the corals with a turket baster for those 15 minutes. The corals bleeched out a bit. That was due to a supper strong dose. In the past few dips I had no bleeching. This time I did it stronger because I was fairly certain there would be some AEFW even though I could not see them and indeed there were. DEAD. 2 acro crabs jumped out and I was able to save them. Lets see if the corals color back up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7234043#post7234043 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HVF21221
I have used Levamisole at 40ppm many times and have not had any problems what so ever. I have not had AEFW's it is just part of my quarantine procedure. I do the dip in a 5 gal. tank with heater and power head.

I've had the same procedure and experience. I have not lost a frag/colony yet due to the dip..and I'm 3 treatments into a 4 or 5 week cycle.

I also recently got my hands on some TMPCC and will use that for anything new coming in, but since I've got the Levamisole on hand and premeasured already, I'm going to use it.
Not trying to hijack the thread, but is there somewhere I can find instructions on how to use the Levamisole? I have the small amount of dry power in the bottom of the plastic container, but I am not sure what to do with it ... add water or measure out x amount of the dry powder, etc. I would be using a 10 gallon QT tank for the dips on new incoming corals. Any suggestions/directions would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks Mike! I'll read away ... this SPS stuff is "fun" ... just waiting for the next pest after I get rid of the Red Bugs!