Do you mean extension tubes or Teleconverters? as TC are more referred to as extenders?
I have the Kenko set of extension tubes, they are automatic ie allow focusing and metering. an extension tube has no optical element so whatever works to hold the lens farther away and as a plus allows you to focus and meter would be fine. I have not seen the Nikon extension tubes however the built of the Kenko is a bit too plasticky and I would assume Nikon ones shold be better built, not that it makes any difference.
Now if it is Teleconverters you're asking for, I also hve the Kenko Pro DG300 built quality is Ok Still nikon is better. don't have hte two to be able to compare the optical quality of both however would theoratically assume that Nikon would be better, But there is a small area where the Kenko TC is "better" than the Nikon one and that is with lenses like the 18-200 and 70-300 where the nikon one will not attach (or maybe attach and cause damage or get damaged) I have both lenses and that is the reason I went for Kenko and not Nikon. Still it will cause any slower lens to focus: a lot slower/sler/ and someties fail to focus and keep on hunting for focus depending on the lighting conditions and apertures.