external dimensions of eshopps rs75?


New member
Its listed with a dimension of 18 in. x 10 in. x 16. But I also found out that the skimmer section has a width of 10inches. Would the external dimensions specifically the overall width of the sump be changed to something above 10 inches? My stand only allows for a sump that is less than 10 inches wide which makes finding a sump difficult
Hi muhli,

I am very sorry for the lack of response here, I completely missed your post somehow. The outside dimensions on the one I just measured is 10 1/8", so unfortunately I don't think it will fit if you have to be under 10". With something that small you might need to go custom with it.
It's completely fine. I had another
Measure and it turned out to be exactly 10inches wide. I'm not sure how that can happen. Maybe it was a newer model? Do you carry any Sump with 10inches external dimensions for the width?
These sumps have been through about 3 or 4 revisions over time, so I can see where the different measurements are coming from. The only other thing that I have close to that width would be the EcoSystem 2410 found here:


Also, have you thought about just going to a department store that sells rubbermaid storage containers and just finding something that would fit and just DIY'ing a sump?