External Overflow


New member
Hello Everyone,

I have a question. I recently bought a 110 tall aquarium from Big Al's to replace my 75.
My 75 has an internal overflow. Now I need to get a hold of an external one as the 110 is just the tank. I had recently seen, online, overflows by a couple of guys that make 'em themselves and at around 1/3 cost of the CPR overflows. Well, I lost the link and was wondering if anyone has come across these or if they actually have one. Maybe you can point me in the right direction if there is a better solution.


Plus, I've never done that before.
The tank that I bought from Big Als was on sale for 209 the same tank with the internal overflow was 350. Bummer...
Great site by the way. I am no acrylic master though. I have decided to return the tank and go with one with an internal overflow. That solves everything...

Thanks Everyone
drilling is not that hard, they have some good bits on ebay shipped for under 10 bux and the actually drilling is not hard. Just need to take your time and use lots of water.
When drilling tanks, I use antifreeze. It has better cooling power than water and doesn't boil away. I put it in a spray bottle and my wife sprays the tank while I drill.
Thats a good idea todd, I usually just make a dam around where I am going to drill and fill it with water. The dam makes sure that the area I am drilling stays submerged