Eyeing the...Turbelle stream kit 24000l/h

ac green

New member

Well after all the good reports and posts I have read on this pumps I think I am sold. I am in the planning stage of a room dividing tanks, looking to be about 150 gallons viewed from two sides.

I am looking to get the Turbelle stream kit 24000l/h some general questions about this setup.

Does this seem like this would be enough for water flow? I plan to house softies, LPS, and SPS. I will also have a return, most likely a mag drive 18 split on two sides of the tank.

I plan to get the tank made with a 3" Euro brace. What kind of mounting would I need? I see there is a rail that can be sliconed to the side of the tank. From the posts, it seems like I would never need to change to anytother pump but would prefer not to go that route, as we all know that changes will occur within the tank.

Is this setup back ordered currently? The tank is a few months away but want to order now if it will be awhile to actually get the setup.

Thanks for the time
If you have a 6' 150, I can marginally recommend this set, it will be a tremendous amount of flow. It could be set to alternate which pump is running but even then with the return pump you have planned it is quite a lot, unless the tank is SPS dominated. The flow is electronically controllable but most of the point is lost if continuously run at low power, the pulse action helps create a random turbulence. I would suggest waiting for model 6000 which has a flow from 650-1850gph. I would use this in combination with your return. I generally try to avoid large returns and prefer external pumps as they contribute alot less heat and tend to offer better reliability. I would size my return at about 5 times tank volume at the proper head. You will find your skimmer and top off systems work more efficiently and reliably if the sump is not a torrent of flow. I think regardless of what model pump you choose if you ordered now I would expect delivery toward the end of April, all pumps are currently out of stock and most vendors have a backorder list to fill first. I hope we will get caught up in the next few weeks. Model 6000 has not yet been released. For the perimeter bracing, the silicon is the neatest option, otherwise attachment to the internal overflow boxes is another good solution. We do have a kit 3000.26 which enables you to fashion an L bracket but it is not my prefered solution, it lacks some elegance.
Thanks for the reply. So I think I will size down my return to an external Little Giant that does about 1100 gph, thus having about 6-7 times returned an hour. With this, would you suggest going with the 6000 or 6100 in a 6' long tank?

If the 6000, when will these be released?

The first batch of 6000 pumps should arrive in mid-late April. I think with two pumps running the 6000 is the best choice, especially considering the mix of corals you want to keep. If I might make a suggestion, consider GRI or Iwaki pumps for your return.