F/S (cheap) Several Fish in East San Jose


Breaking down my tank because I am moving to North Carolina. Would like to keep the fish, but will not be able to handle the logistics.

2x Clownfish
1x Yellow Eye Kole Tang
3x Royal Gramma
1x Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

Don't want to give them away so they don't end up being food for someone's pet, but you can have the whole bunch for $40

Fish are from this tank build thread. The images in the thread are the actual fish:
The fish have been spoken for. Thanks everyone for reaching out.

I do still have a bunch of live rock (>100lbs) available, all with mushrooms. This was originally MarcoRocks Key Largo rock. I don't have a way to keep it alive throughout the move, so it all must go.

Also tons and tons of Chaeto.

On the freshwater front I also have a five Neon Tetras, a single Male German Blue Ram and one Corydoras Aeneus (I think)
Breaking down the tank today. >100lbs of live rock will be put in a large container.. Up for grabs.

PM me if you want some.