Fading away...


New member
My Ricordia use to be a bright purple shroom, but now it's white. It still has some colors, but white. It does open wide though... I have a 12 gallon with 48watts 50/50 and antic lighting shine together. What should I do? Will it be okay?
Sorry for the impatient, but I'm really worry about my Yuma. I don't want to lose these beatiful corals that I've bought. Please give me some advices and help...

Here is a picture of it when I first bought it, and now it's white.
Maybe i haven't been feeding lately. The last time i feed my system was 4 days ago. I guess lost of nutrient that may cause them to fade the coloration.
IMO, Yumas are harder to keep than floridas, I don't know why. It sounds like they are stressed and turning white like bleaching. This is a form of stress. Make sure that they are in a low flow area and low to medium light for awhile. Check to make sure that your water perameters are correct also. IME they usually don't recover once they start fading away, but there is always hope as long as they don't start melting away.
Can it mean that i haven't been feeding? lack of nutrients? I haven't been feeding lately. Last night i just start feeding it and place in qt for extra care.
lack of feeding shouldn't cause a bleaching event, I find Yuma's bleach fairly easily from stress and new lighting. I'd drop it down out of heavy bright light to give the shroom time to regain some algae/color.
So what should it? I move just about anywhere in my tank trying to find a spot for it, but I don't know. Where do they usually like to be at? Top, middle or bottom?
For me, placement (lighting) has to do with what kind of lighting enviroment they came from. Did the LFS have them under MH or PC? If they have them under MH, then I'll put them middle to high in my tank since I have PC. If they have PC at the store then I'll put them middle to low. The water flow is always low.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6805752#post6805752 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NanoCube-boy
What is the chance from recoverying back to the right color?

I don't know, the one that I had bleach, never recovered.
I put one new rock of pink/green yuma about 16" from 220w of fluorescent. It was less than a foot away from a couple VHO tubes at the store. They yumas looked fine for about 3 weeks, but began to fade, showing a lot of white. I left them alone, and they colored back up in maybe a month.

Months later I moved them to the bottom of a 72 bowfront under 2x250 14k mh. They stayed there for quite a few months, and the color was just ok.

Recently I relocated them to the bottom of an 80g softie tank. Tank runs 4 tubes of 2x ODNO fluorescents. 2 Home Depot Phillips daylight tubes, and 2 actinics. The color improved tremendously in just a week or two.

I ended up moving all my mushrooms to that tank.
I don't know what to do anymore. I tried spot feeding with Plankton, I place all the way on top so they can recover from Zoon... I don't know.