Fading/flashing lights on 7095 controller


New member
Hello, I have a 7095 controller running two pumps. Yesterday I got the audible alarm coming on intermittently. I took everything apart and cleaned it all up. I plugged them back in and everything worked fine for about two seconds. Then, all the lights on the controller start to dim and then different lights flutter and turn on and off. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what lights flash or turn on and off. Every time I unplug the pumps and plug them in again, I get the same thing, great for two seconds and then dimming and then flashing and then out. It seems like maybe it isn't getting all the power it needs. I am at a complete loss. Do you have any advice or info, or is my controller shot?

The controllers rarely go out, short of getting wet I can only recall ever seeing 4 real dud controllers out of hundreds. Usually the problem will be with the driver box or motor or the drive unit. I would try the controller with the one non alarming pump, the alarm comes from the driver box, not the controller. If it then works normally we can assume the problem is with the pump or its driver.
So... I will check again after a while. I am pretty sure I tried that yesterday and even with one plugged in, there is the same issue. Everything is good for the first two seconds and then lights dim and then start switching and turning off and on. I will get a definitive answer tonight when I am finished with work. It's really weird... even ports on the bottom that have nothing plugged into them will turn on and off and the mode will change (pulse, interval 1 and 2, etc...) The food timer will even light up and go off. All of the lights go crazy.

Thanks for the quick response.
It turns out that it is just the one pump. Even if it is not plugged into the controller, the alarm is steady but faint. When I plug in the bad one, the alarm is on immediately, but faintly. When I hook it to the controller, I get the above symptoms. How do I isolate the problem to driver or pump? And, then what?

Thank you
It could just be the drive unit even (propeller assembly). I would probably start with the top thread on cleaning and alarms. If that doesn't solve it I would send in the pump as you risk damaging other equipment by trying to swap parts with the working pump.