My Purple deaths and some other one I don't know the name off melted away a few weeks ago. Also I have had a few zoa's that have puckered up for no reason that I know off and they still are coming down, this is why I know somethings up. These look like they are next to go, the tentacles are shriving up they don't look happy.
Thanks Dee, let me see if I can answer you correctly.
Yes I agree they look stressed.
I was BB when FOWLR but added agronite over a year ago, but I removed the sand months ago. Through this time I went through a few aglae blooms including hair and cyano which now the cyano is gone.
The rock has been this way for over a month now and I plan to leave it this way since it works well to remove detritus.
I do not believe I am in a mini cycle since I was out of the cycling and everything was going fairly way. Its only been the last few weeks I started noticing a decline in the zoa's and some paly's. The xenia are almost completly melted now.
So basically, shortly after you rearranged your rock your problems began?
If yes there's your first stresser. Since then everything you added, removed, or changed added to the stress. I know a few melted already some Zoa are more resilant then others. The ones you have left look okay just stressed a bit. Just keep up with your water changes and keep testing to make sure all perimeters stay stable. Don't move them at all corals hate to be moved around. Leave everything as is. Sit back and enjoy and you'll be doing fine.
Ok I did some research, its been one month since I've changed the blubs and rearranged the rocks (4-1-11). Its hard not to do anything when you see that things were better before. Man reefing is so stressfull at times.:mixed: