FAOIS for the save


New member
So the past couple weeks I thought I had maybe the signs of itch. Well I have been feeding and doing what im supposed to except for using my UV only because I am lazy.

This morning I noticed my fish are not improving so I was able to catch a few to bring to FAOIS today. The words no aquarist wants to hear comes out and I knew then, ok back to the basics and get the UV online back ASAP.

I come home to clean the UV and after taking the UV apart I noticed a nice sound of either rock or glass in the assembly. As you have it, somehow the quartz sleeve was broken at the end. Sooo, my day went from ok to dookie in seconds.

Immediately I called FAOIS, explained that I am a moron that somehow broke my UV, and asked can they order another quartz sleeve. To the very little luck I had going today, Cornnut tells me they have another and I could meet him after work because he is coming into Tampa (which is much easier and faster for me). Now, if I had to go online to order that part it would have taken 2-3 days minimum if an online store had it in stock. Just shows you guys your LFS is there to HELP and do their best on keeping your tank going.
Agreed. They always give you honest and sound advise. I may buy a few things online, but I have been trying to give local businesses the bulk of my business.
Their prices are just as good or better than only. Also think if he can get it he will match it.