Fastest Claw in the West


New member
Just watched the documentary "Fastest Claw in the West"....I'll post a review soon, but I can say that it was a darn good documentary, including interactions with several different crabs (and you know who wins), three cephalopods (with a funny segment where a mantis tries to subdue a fleeing Cuttlefish-type (Sepioloidea?) that had been poaching shrimp close to its burrow), one big fish, and one nosy human (doc caldwell). oh, yeah, it did manage to solve a rubik's cube in the end, much to the surprise of my wife - LOL.
Old stomatopod films never die, they just end up on the Animal Planet. This was the second stomatopod film we made and it is still my favorite. The cube sequence was shot and cut together as joke, but Attenborough liked it so much that it was used as the the promo. I have it on CD-ROM and one of these days I hope to cut it down to a manageable size so that I can post it on my website. Hopefully this will convince all those ceph-types that there really is another invertebrate out there smarter than your average octopus.



i actually borrowed the film from a nearby central library....was darn surprised to find it there since i have been looking for it for awhile.

cube - wife kept saying, "No, that's not possible....", and i kept countering, "Well, they are one of the smartest inverts around...let's see an octopus do THAT......hey, Pandora????"

also worth it just to see doc caldwell's REALLY skinny legs....LOL
I have this film and it has aliens from inner space/ fastest claw in the west on it. But I didn't get the rubics cube part on it:confused: I just went and looked for it!
They are both excellent films though!
rubik's cube segment

rubik's cube segment


go past the end credits, then you'll see it....unfortunately, because of copyright, i cannot post quicktime movies of some of the segments :(


no problem, patient and i think you'll be pleasantly surprised soon...