Fastest growing Acro stag ???


New member
What is the fastest growing stag available and how much growth can you expect ? I am planning a large tank upgrade and will most assuredly use a CA reactor because I have one on my 58 and it rocks !
as far as I know it would have to be green slimer, but my purple nana grows like a freaking weed it might grow just as fast but with thiner branches Good topic I'm interested in others response.
Microphthalma,Loisetteae,Formosa,Yongei, This are some of the rapid grower I kept in my tank that grows 1/4 to1/2" each mo.
I have a 3" stag horn branch grown from 3 branch to huge 22" tall and 24" wide colony with numerous branches within 3 years.
ditto on the A. Microphthalma....I have three different color morphs and they all are my fastest growing stags.
I only have two frags of table acros, a green A. hyacinthus and a purplish A.Clathrata. Even with the high flow and light I give them, they are very slow growers in my tank.
desalwi/plana for tables, they grow very thick but if kept in strong flow it is a weed. My granulosa grows alright but is slow by comparison. I should be getting a lokani soon, I expect it to be pretty slow.
