Favorite AV/Shutter combos for actual colors?


Super Premier Member
What are do you use to get great true color pics? I am getting colors that are a bit off. See the below as an example. The mushrooms in this picture are actually purple, not blue.

What manual settings are you using to get true color rendtion?


Lighting is 39w T5-HO x 12:

Blue Plus
Super Actinic
UVL 75/25
Blue Plus
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Color is determined by the white balance and not by the exposure. Shooting in RAW (if you camera will) and post-processing will give you what you want.


This is just a quick adjustment using curves in PS. If you started with a RAW image you'd have much more latitude to work with. If your camera allows you to set a custom white balance setting that'd be a good place to start as well.


I was hoping not use PS on my shots. I have some spectacular soft corals\zoas\mushrooms\etc that I want to get untouched shots of.

I may have caught a better break: GF broke my Canon A70is so there is my excuse for getting a D40 or 40D!
EVERY photographer will do some sort of post processing, there is nothing wrong with editing your shots. You can't get everything right in-camera, regardless of what the camera is.
Exactly. Ansel Adams didn't take his film to Costco or developing. He'd spend days and weeks in the darkroom to perfect a single shot.

There's no such thing as "untouched." Even if you take the jpg straight out of the camera, the image has been processed. If it's a purity thing that you're after, which image more closely matches what your eye sees? Isn't that the goal?