Feb 21st 2015 TBRC Meeting-Please note the date change!

Mrs Postal

New member
The Feb. 2015 TBRC meeting will be on the 21st. We moved the meeting due to it falling on Valentine's Day this year. Our host is Jay, Floridascape, here on RC, and the address is 5258 9th Avenue N, St. Pete 33710. Please remember to bring a food item to share and the club will provide drinks(soda/water) and all the paper items needed. Also, if you wish to be entered into the Feb. member raffle for a $100 sponsor gift card, you must be a 2015 member.

Please let any of us know if you have any questions!
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The meetings start at 6:00, and you can certainly join at the meeting, although it is not requirement in order to attend.
Ah man, just noticed the date, will be in Daytona all weekend for the 500. Hope to make March I guess.