Feed button time delay


New member
I have just got a 6000 stream and a 7091 controller. My qusetion is with regard to the feed button. The manual clearly states that the delay is between 8 - 10 minutes. However....mine shuts off for about 2 minutes. Is this me (am I doing something wrong), an easy fix or does it have to go back for repair.
Thanks in advance
Hey! You beat me with posting, I have the exact same stream and controller. Tried the feed button last night with same results-2 minutes off. :(
It is very variable from 2 minutes- 6 minutes. I think that is a misprint as I have never seen one run much over 5 minutes. When you hit the button a capacitor charges and when it is discharged the pumps start back up. No repair is possible and honestly most fish consume all the food within a minute.