feeding corals

you can spot feed your lps if you want but your sun corals really require it .... you should just add zoo/phyto into the water column while your skimmer is off ...... the corals that extend their polyps to catch food will take care of themselves ... I think I remember you having acans those corals grow faster if you spot feed them and some others will too
I use a turkey baster to feed with, give a squirt in the general direction of the frogspawn that feeds it and distracts the clowns then give the sun coral and other LPS a shot. I have seen my SPS with cyclops in its polyps so I guess it is eating that along with the phyto. I mix mysis, daphnia, cyclop-eeze and marine S together.
I feed my sun coral almost everyday just because I like to see it eat. I just recently learned to feed the RBTA which was neat to watch. I didn't know the frog spawn would grab also. I'll watch that. So I do need to turn skimmer off to add phyto? How long should it be off? Do I add phyto in the top or in the sump?