feeding frozen formula 1 & 2


New member
I was wondering how people feed the frozen cubes of romula 1 & 2. SHould I soak it in cold water like I do mysis or let it thaw in saltwater or just throw it in the tank. The fish are a blue throat trigger, mimic tang, fox face, and clownfish.
I just thaw it in a cup of tank water, moosh it up with a fork (I've got a 7 year old, okay?), then strain it through a net, rinse it with a cup of RO/DI water, squeeze, and serve in another cup of tank water. Takes a little more time but I believe this method considerably reduces phosphate import. Also works for frozen mysis, etc.
I just put a cube or two in a clean little yogurt container (usually with some other frozen food like emerald food, marine cuisine, or brine shrimp) and let it defrost overnight in the fridge. Then the next day I mush it with a plastic spoon and mix it up and feed a little bit every day or so. It doesn't take any extra time.
I have the ON sampler pack that all of their foods mixed together. I just break off a bunch of cubes (6 or so) and toss them in.