I feed Cyclopeeze, DT's Oyster Eggs, mixed with Zoe and ZoeCon, and Kent ZooPlankton...
I do it about 3 times a week. Kind of something I just do when I think about it.
I do feed with the current off, and right before lights out.
I definitely notice an increase in growth. I have not seen a color improvement at all. I am doing this in all my systems including my propagation system. Corals seem to encrust faster in the prop system.
Right now my propsystem/ display tank are plumbed into and undersized refugium with a small skimmer so I am extremely concerned about water quality issues associated with heavy feeding. Soon I will be installing a large refugium which will house an ASM G-2 Skimmer.
Corals in healthy "Natural" systems will usually have alot of food via natural plankton production, fish poop, and excess fish food. Feeding extra food for the corals is beneficial but also increases bio load on the Aquarium. Keep an eye on the water parameters when you start a new feeding regiment.