Feeling Discouraged


New member

I have spent the better part of a month just gathering informaton from RC. Decided to gets some liverock through TBS. Nothing but great things have been said about these guys and they were personally recommended by a co-worker with a 55-gallon package that looks gorgeous. Since I live in Central Florida I figured I would simply call ahead to make an appointment to get some rock.

We have been in a bad weather stretch for those of you not from here which is probably where my discouragement started from. Called on Monday 17th to make appt. Was told that the weather was bad and they weren't able to get boats out. Mary was very nice and figured I should call back Wed. 19th. Did so and talked to Richard?? about making that Friday appt. He again explained that the weather was still lame, which it was, but he had been able to get the boat out but there were some other orders ahead of me. He figured that I should try and call back again on Thursday. Called back on Thursday (today) and talked to another person who first said I should just come in on Saturday but said that they might not have anything. He then spoke to someone off of the phone who told me to call tomorrow around 12 to see if they had boats in the water.

I really do not know what is going on. I asked the fellow on the phone if there was a way to get on the list, if there is one. He made no reply. So I asked if I would be better off just ordering online. I assume, since this fellow did not answer that this would be my best shot at getting rock. He didn't really have an answer to that question either. He didn't seem to know what was going on and I wish he would have given the phone to whomever was telling him what was going on.

I am just wondering from a customer service perspective what I should do here. When I called no one asked for my name to put me on a waiting list, the fellow today couldn't tell me much except to keep calling back to check. I simply figured that it would be easiest to drive down and get the rock instead of doing the online ordering option. It is turning out to be somewhat discouraging. I do not feel that I am any closer than where I was at the beginning of the week. I am wondering now if I should have just ordered online. At least then I would be somewhere in line to get hooked up.

...breathe in breathe out....

This post was not intended to be a negative one towards TBS. On the contrary, I just want to know what to do. I think that there product is by far the best available. I have no intention of putting any other rock besides TBS rock in my tank. Just watching my coworkers tank led me to my decision.

I already took a vacation day on Friday in the hopes of getting an appt, so if all the stars can get in alignment perhaps when I call there tomorrow at 10:30 I will get the go!

If not, I am not sure what to do... online order? more calls? any info or advise would be welcomed.

I just want the TBS rock

Call and talk to richard place your order when the boat runs resume you WILL get HOOKED up !.
its well worth the wait.
I just received my second shipment yesterday, I guess I was one of those orders ahead of you, I had to wait a few extra days due to the poor weather but let me say that it will be worth the wait. The 120 lbs of rock I got in my package was unbelievable, the second shipment was full of deco rock with tons of corals on it.
My suggestion would is to be patient and Richard will take care of you like he did me. I was a little discouraged when he told me I had to wait a few days due to the weather but he sure did make up for it and I have a tank full of some of the best rock I have ever seen.
Indeed. The waiting is discouraging. I guess I am not sure what it takes to "Place an order". I figured that my 3 phone calls explaining that I want to purchase 750 dollars of rock would have been sufficient, but my name was never asked for nor my phone number. When you placed your orders did you put money on it? That would have been no problem but I was never prompted for anything. I guess I will keep calling.

I know it will be worth the wait, I just cannot seem to get the ball rolling

Thanks for the comments
They will not ask for money until they are ready to ship your order. Why don't you email Richard directly, he always answers very quickly unless he is out diving but he will get back with you asap. Check out a few pics I posted under second shipment

Richard just posted a note saying he was off to Mexico for a week.

Don't get too discouraged landlord.

BTW - If you're just starting up on your tank you might want to use the time to do a pre-cycle with a cocktail shrimp. That way you've already got a start on the good bacteria and it will minimize die-off on the TBS rock. Just a thought.
Cocktail Shrimp it is!

Thanks for the good thoughts!

BTW. I just moved from North Bend, WA We used to be neighbors!

When I placed my order, I gave a credit card #, and asked not to receive my shipment until after a particular date. There was a weather related delay, but then, I got my rocks. My credit card statement shows that I was not charged until the rocks were shipped.

I would suggest giving them a credit card #, and ask them to call for you to pick up, rather than ship (if that's what you want).

I'm one of the ones ahead of you (also) for rocks, for the second part of my package. Tank ammonia is zero, nitrites zero, nitrates zero, etc.

The marine forecast for the Tampa area had seas of 5-7 ft!! Being a landlubberly type, 5-7" would make me unhappy...
Like Hdtran I gave a credit card # to Mary and she said they wouldn't charge until the rock went out....this was the case. I too, had weather delay in my first shipment and am waiting for the 2nd shipment but after seeing the first 1/2 I'll gladly wait until they can dive safely, take their time and do what they do well.
I'm not sure who you talked to but you may try asking for Mary when you call. She and Richard are the 2 I've talked to numerous times and both were really helpful.
As for my waiting now...I'm using this time to try and catch the 2 mantis shrimp I've seen. Smart and fast little buggers!
Thank you all for the ideas. I will give em a shot. The weather in Tampa is beautiful. <crossing my fingers> It should be a good day.

Re: Feeling Discouraged

landlord said:

I have spent the better part of a month just gathering informaton from RC. Decided to gets some liverock through TBS. Nothing but great things have been said about these guys and they were personally recommended by a co-worker with a 55-gallon package that looks gorgeous. Since I live in Central Florida I figured I would simply call ahead to make an appointment to get some rock.

We have been in a bad weather stretch for those of you not from here which is probably where my discouragement started from. Called on Monday 17th to make appt. Was told that the weather was bad and they weren't able to get boats out. Mary was very nice and figured I should call back Wed. 19th. Did so and talked to Richard?? about making that Friday appt. He again explained that the weather was still lame, which it was, but he had been able to get the boat out but there were some other orders ahead of me. He figured that I should try and call back again on Thursday. Called back on Thursday (today) and talked to another person who first said I should just come in on Saturday but said that they might not have anything. He then spoke to someone off of the phone who told me to call tomorrow around 12 to see if they had boats in the water.

I really do not know what is going on. I asked the fellow on the phone if there was a way to get on the list, if there is one. He made no reply. So I asked if I would be better off just ordering online. I assume, since this fellow did not answer that this would be my best shot at getting rock. He didn't really have an answer to that question either. He didn't seem to know what was going on and I wish he would have given the phone to whomever was telling him what was going on.

I am just wondering from a customer service perspective what I should do here. When I called no one asked for my name to put me on a waiting list, the fellow today couldn't tell me much except to keep calling back to check. I simply figured that it would be easiest to drive down and get the rock instead of doing the online ordering option. It is turning out to be somewhat discouraging. I do not feel that I am any closer than where I was at the beginning of the week. I am wondering now if I should have just ordered online. At least then I would be somewhere in line to get hooked up.

...breathe in breathe out....

This post was not intended to be a negative one towards TBS. On the contrary, I just want to know what to do. I think that there product is by far the best available. I have no intention of putting any other rock besides TBS rock in my tank. Just watching my coworkers tank led me to my decision.

I already took a vacation day on Friday in the hopes of getting an appt, so if all the stars can get in alignment perhaps when I call there tomorrow at 10:30 I will get the go!

If not, I am not sure what to do... online order? more calls? any info or advise would be welcomed.

I just want the TBS rock


Sorry for the confusion.....

Which is why we are open to the public on Saturdays from 12-5.

As explained to you on the phone we are very busy during the week packing and shipping orders. Orders are shipped according to date of placement, those who order first go out first, that is only fair to everybody.

Weather plays the biggest factor in our collection of rock, if the wind is blowing we cannot dive, which has been the case for the last three weeks, we have had only three diving days.

We are not General Motors here, it is just Mark, Mary and myself, all our customers get our personal attention, and we try real hard to please everybody.

If you want some rock simply call on Friday, if we have stock, we will tell you to come on in, if we don't, we save you a trip down.

We are trying to dive today, but if successful there are customers in front of you who are scheduled to fly as soon as we have stock.

Please realize everybody, this is not like going to the supermarket to pick goods off the shelf, we have to go diving to get this rock, we dive every day we can, and ship asap for our customers.

If you want to get in line, simply call Mary and place an order, then you are in the pipeline!

I am off to Mexico Sunday to check out the reefs there, be back in a week, but Mark and Mary will be diving/packing/shipping as usual!

Richard TBS

Thanks Richard,

I will call and place an order with Mary. This is really what I have been trying to do. Sorry if I sound like a big stick in the mud, that wasn't my intention. Just needed to know what to do and you have giving me the info.

Thanks Again,

Looking forward to my visit.


Being a former customer of TBS, I made the trip in on a Saturday and got to pick out my own rock!! This was the best ever. Kinda like being down on the reef just grabbing what you want. I know youre feeling discouraged, but hang in there, and if possible and you get the go ahead on a FRI from them, drop in on a SAT and cherry pick the stuff yourself. Best way to go i think. Good luck!! And enjoy your rock.
I think that we may have crossed paths. Were you the one who caught the baby trigger fish, and the sea lice?

In any case. Thanks for the good word. I had a blast picking out my rock.
:uzi: :clown:

Hey Landlord, I didn't want to start a whole new "discouraged thread". Thought I would hijack yours instead...

Was supposed to be receving tank, and all equipment by 12/7/2003. Just heard from the guy who is building the tank and I have been pushed out to 1/15/2004 for delivery.

Ugh... No Christmas rock and I have 70 people coming over on 12/22 and my office is torn apart waiting for the tank...
What was the hold up with the tank? Would it be possible to get it from elsewhere? I found that the answer to most of my problems with as Credit Card. The whole waiting feeling is the biggest drag. I wish I had some profound advise to make things seem better but being where you are the isn't really much to say but. Bah! Tell the dude building your tank he is gonna wreck your holiday.

It has been some time since I left the area but I think that in Redmond near the outdoor town center / mall, next to that hobby store on Redmond Way, there is a LFS specializing in marine. The guys in there were always very helpful in solving problems. Perhaps they have a tank solution. Everybody is looking for a quick buck come the holidays, you never know what solution may present itself. Next time you pass Cottage Lake, try and picture me falling off the dock with my laptop, not a fun day!

I hope things work out cuz waiting will kill ya.

ROFL- Small world. Did you live close to Cottage Lake and what years? I grew up 1 block away from the Beach Club on Avondale road. Now I own a house about 1/4 mile from there.
Sweet, I lived in several places nearby from 1996 till 2002. Um... first apartment was off of 152nd NE Near the Police Station and that restaurant Coho Grill. Second place was out in North Bend, third place was of NE 124th in Kirkland, fourth was a house by Evergreen hospital.

It is indeed a very small world. Had to leave when the computer market soured.
