Few Pics Got Bored JOin In!! No Guns allowed!


New member
Sorry could not be helped!

A few of my corals I caught them posing!




Peace Coral




Un-Christian thoughts.

Okay... so do you a) Dose, or do you b) have a Calcium reactor?
never got into that calcium reactor stuff got a doser once but just didn't trust it. Just a and b everyday, test alk and mag every other week. I skip a day here and there but consistence is key. Same recipe for years!
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Jim I thought you and Darlene how disappeared from reefing, well at least the boards... Looks like you were stepping your game up while away.

Nice looking stuff!!!

Carlos is like Richard in my book, they work at or own LFS, Their pictures are considering cheating!!! J/K
lol it dosent matter if you work at a lfs or not, look at jay's tanks before he had to leave the hobbie ! its all about the husbandry and keeping your hands out and temp, salinity and other parims stable .. time and patience my friend
uGHHHHH!!!! I wish my candy apple reds would open back up!!!! Jim got me all envious and stuff!

Money helps tats, Jay had some cherry stuff. Buy frags its the best way, and more fun!

2x250 watt 14k pheonix Chuck, I have had the most success with this bulb and I have tried them all. Almost!

Nice Pics (I have arm in sling!) Gotta take my shots now while he is hurt! If you have seen tats you understand.....
from what i have noticed with the candys when they are closed up for a while is a sign they are growing its weird but since i fraged off a piece for you mine closed up for about 2-3 weeks barely opening up and now they have grown 2 new heads. jay did have some cherry stuff , and i agree with ya on frags . watching them grow is fun... i too am using the 14k pheonix bulbs:D
Got this zoa on my last road trip...the larger one on the left. I liked the look of it and I think I had it ID yesterday, but today I cannot seem to match it this morning...
