Few pics of my new 75g tank setup


Hey guys! Thought I'd share a few pics of my new 75g tank. I'm upgrading from my old 29g that I had gotten a little lazy with and let get away from me and become an algae mess. Decided to upgrade to a new 75g setup and transfer my fish over from my 29g to this new one and clean out the 29g and use it as a QT tank.
Currently my 75g is in the cycling stages now... been up and running for a week and a half now. This will be a sumpless tank using hob filters due to finances keeping me from building a sump setup at the moment. Don't have a Protein Skimmer just yet but plan on adding a Reef Octopus Classic 1000 to this tank.

Current equipment and everything else involved in tank as of now is:

Marineland Bio-Wheel Emperor 400
Sicce Voyager Stream Pump 800gph (plan on adding a second powerhead)
Penn-Plax Cascade Heat 300watt Aquarium Heater
AquaticLife Reef Edition Edge LED aquarium light
15-20lbs of live rock
30lbs of dead/dry rock
3-20lb bags of CaribSea live sand

Fish that will be going in it once ready that are currently in my 29:
Royal Gramma Basslet
Pajama Cardinalfish
Percula Clownfish

Hitchhikers that I've found seem to be a serpent sea star and an emerald crab that I've seen at night a couple times under the moon lighting.

Using an AquaticLife RO Buddie with DI cartridge for nothing but rodi water in my tank and instant ocean reef salt. My tank is set to 80 degrees and salinity is at 1.025-1.026.




Can't figure out how to take a good picture with my iPhone without it making the tank and everything in it look more blue. But these were taken this morning with the morning setting on the led lights on. More white led's than blue with a few red led's on. Also added more water to the tank this afternoon since these pics were taken. Thought adding rock would have made the water level rise more.

Let me know what you all think of it so far.... any comments and criticisms, tips are welcomed!! I'm fairly new to the whole reef tank saltwater tank stuff. Been trying to learn as I go and want to make sure I do this tank as perfect as I can and keep it looking as perfect and clean as possible unlike how my 29g became. Minus the fact that I can't go with a sump setup at the moment or near future. Look forward to hearing from you all!
Looks good, be patient and get some good test kits. There's lots of used equipment out there that will save you lots of cash.
Looks good besides the water level being so low. Never been a fan of that look unless it was rimless

Thanks...Water level is up to where it should be now. I added almost 10 gallons a couple hours after I took these photos today.
Looks good, be patient and get some good test kits. There's lots of used equipment out there that will save you lots of cash.

I have a test kit which I will be using tonight for first time. It's just an API test kit and don't think it tests quite everything I need to be testing. But for starters I guess it will work. It's something I had from my 29g.