File fish ate some of my zoas. Will they grow back?


Active member
Bought a pair of file fish from LA because they ate aptasia. First time buying a fish on impulse. Went out of town for a day and came back and a small colony of AOG were eaten. The flesh was left. Will they grow back?
get the fish out. I don't think file fish are reef safe as they are coral eaters mostly sps polyps right?
I have a mottled green filefish in one of my tanks with a ton of zoas and he doesnt bother a thing . He does love aiptasia tho . Cleaned my tank of them. I think it depends on the kind of filefish . Oh yeah also the personality of the fish.
Thats the same one I have . Mine actually picks the aiptasia from between the zoas and leaves the zoas alone. Sorry to hear yours is zoa munching . DO you feed him anything ? I feed mine brine shrimp and mysis daily . Maybe thats why he doesnt eat zoas ?
it does say reef compatability: with caution. LOL that's kinda like saying, we know it can possible wreck havoc in your reef tank but it's your risk.
I had a hippo tang that went nuts on me after like 3 years with him, he ate some Vivid Rainbows I had just a little flesh was left, I was ready to throw away the frag plug but forgot about it after a couple of months a polyp came back and now I have a small little colony.