One thing that's changed since I've been out a while are the addition of filter socks in the sumps. We used to just run with a sponge in the first chamber for the sumps below the bio-balls and it seemed at least to be adequate enough.
Looking at sumps before I bought one recently, it looked like socks were a given for almost every system mfg.
My Eshopps RS-75 went through the first two socks in a day and a half, I'm hoping this will level out some once the tank gets cleaner. I feed once a day and semi-sparingly.
I'm using bleach mixed with RO/DI water to bathe the socks in for a day, rinsing them off with a strong shower spray and then rinsing them again in fresh RO/DI water, then air dry.
I was going to ask about how long to expect out of the life of a sock but I'm sure there's too many variables to be able to give a definitive answer. Tank size, bio load, nutrient level, feeding regimen, number of animals, etc.
With no idea how long it would take to dirty one up I bought an extra box of 3 including the one that came with the sump so that worked out well.
How many do most people keep on hand and how long have your's lasted and what's your tank size, including number of fish?
Just curious what to expect.
Looking at sumps before I bought one recently, it looked like socks were a given for almost every system mfg.
My Eshopps RS-75 went through the first two socks in a day and a half, I'm hoping this will level out some once the tank gets cleaner. I feed once a day and semi-sparingly.
I'm using bleach mixed with RO/DI water to bathe the socks in for a day, rinsing them off with a strong shower spray and then rinsing them again in fresh RO/DI water, then air dry.
I was going to ask about how long to expect out of the life of a sock but I'm sure there's too many variables to be able to give a definitive answer. Tank size, bio load, nutrient level, feeding regimen, number of animals, etc.
With no idea how long it would take to dirty one up I bought an extra box of 3 including the one that came with the sump so that worked out well.
How many do most people keep on hand and how long have your's lasted and what's your tank size, including number of fish?
Just curious what to expect.