Filters and sumps


New member
IF I had a 75 gallon tank with requisite live rock, sand and water, and a 20 gallon sump/refugium, what do I use as a filter? What actually keeps the water clean and clear?
The liverock would become your actual filter, but to catch debris and such just some filter floss would do the trick. it would have to be cleaned out a couple of times a week.
A good amount of liverock and a good skimmer would clean the water good. A fuge and lots of liverock would help alot. Then I would still get a Protein skimmer.
Yep, your live rock is your filter and in your sump you would run a skimmer to further filtration. The sump is also where you can add other types of filtration like carbon, UV, filter socks, macro algae or whatever you feel like your particular conditions will require.

Search for marine aquarium filtration and you should find some great explanations of biological, chemical and mechanical filtration techniques/methodologies and why you may or may not want to use them.

A search for berlin style filtration may also help.