

New member
Every time I try to take a fts of my tank I get real bad reflections. It's a bowfront tank so it has curved glass. Is there a filter I can get to reduce or eliminate this from happening?
Thank You
A circular polarizer will often help reflections, but not straight on. While it's a great filter to have, it won't help you here. When I set up to shoot a FTS, even with my standard square tank (non-bow), I typically wait until evening, and turn off all the lights in the room, so that nothing can reflect. It's all about controlling the environment.

Do you have any pictures, just so we can see what sorts of reflections you're talking about?
I think that's what's giving you glare. Like Jason said earlier, post a couple pictures so we know what's up with them.
Yeah, definitely turn the flash off. I never shoot with the flash. That's one serious reflection you will not be able to get rid of no matter what you do.

Thanks, with the flash off I tink it looks pretty good now.
You're going to have to turn off that light in the room in the background. It looks like it's lighting up a wall, which is reflecting in the image. Part of the reason this is happening is that you're shooting a pretty dark tank, so there's a much longer and/or wider aperture exposure happening to capture enough light to make the image. In contrast, a standard reef tank has so much light that the room in the background would never make it out of the shadows of a photo properly exposed for the reef lighting.
Given the dynamic range of this camera, I'd say thats about as good as it is going to get. The sail is blown out but unless you took two pictures and merged them together, everything else would go dark correcting them.