finally gonna start my monti themed tank, but still need some stuff


New member
i think im finally gonna start on my new monti themed sps tank,

a 37 tall (30x12x22)
with 2 150 w hqi MH, and two 39 watt giesemann actinic+ t5's
with a diy moonlight system.

for heat, a custom sealife 1/4 hp chiller with controller.

for filtration a custom sump with 4" micron filter sock, a refugium, a bermuda 3c skimmer, phosban reactor and custom ATO

my last issues is a Ca reactor, i was lucky enough to acquire most of this equipment over the last year or so and strike some really lucky deals, i just dont have the money but i saw a bermuda skimmer! OMG im in love with the design, amazing, small and compact, just what im looking for, idk if i wanna try to build one myself or not.

so parts i still need.

a mag 9 or mag 12,
a bermuda 3c skimmer,
a small ca reactor, regulator and ph controller
anyone got these used?