Finally! I have pics of my tank.


Premium Member
So this is a few months after getting my rock and as you can see there is plenty of macro grow in =).


Just a quick list of critters I have found that came all on the rock.

At least 20 porclin crabs (and probably 30+ bad crabs aka mantis food)
Small hermit crabs (white ones)
1 small purple Urchin
a Sea cuc (not tiger tail)
many large and small spaghetti worms
plenty of small brittle stars
many conks
1 adult Pistol Shrimp and at least 3 small juvinile (not the pepermint shrimp that comes with the package)
many ghost shrimp
2 mantis shrimp (not in the tank now)
plenty of worms

Currently the macro alge is twice the size and I will be getting a hippo tang now that I have a good supply of food for him.

Anyways enjoy =)

Oh yea... and that whole thing is 3 rocks! 1 that is 50+ lbs and 2 that are around 25lbs each.


Dazz said:
Oh this is all tbs... if you hadnt guessed =)


Your tank really came out nice!

You forgot the part about living in Canada, driving across the border to avoid the CITES and customs fees, and the high airfreight from Air Canada.

Picking up in the US makes it easy for Canadian customers, as the paperwork and fees involved to ship Internationally is crazy!

Richard TBS

Remember when I told you big pieces look cool in tanks!

You have proved it!!

:rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
all thanks to you Richard!
I have been eyeing a new 125 gallon tank hehe... if I need more rock I'll be calling you =)
Great shot! Beatiful rocks! Is that a Tridacna I see in the lower left? Great color there!

I just got a tang (Red Sea sailfin; Zebrasoma desjardinii for those of you who prefer latin). He ate all the red algae in two days... He's now eyeing the green stuff, but doesn't appear too enthusiastic about it (nips at it, and goes away).

If you ever wish to prune your algae, a tang will do it for you :D
one thing I have noticed that I miss identified in the beginning are turnicates.

There are turnicates of all colors!
So far I have found ones in these colors:
Clear with blue and white interior
Deep blue
Blue gray
Clear with orange interior

They are very very cool.

Did you have to do anything special to cross the border with the LR?
I'm moving back to Canada this summer and would like to bring the rocks with me.
nope nothing at all. However, if you are moving back and have been living in the US there is a different procedure. You can move anything back with no taxes (if the item is under $10K CAD) as long as you do it all at once and declare at the border (with a pre-prepared list) everything you are bringing. If you bring it across at another time, you may have to pay tax on the value of it.
Dazz, what did customs say when you declared the rock at the border? I would like to get some tbs in the fall and drive it across the border... hate to get in to trouble with customs!

Thanks Dazz
I've been out of country (by summer) for 4 years. There is no limit on items I can bring back. I only pay taxs on stuff I bought 6 month prior leaving the country.
What I don't know, do I need a permit of some sort to bring the rocks back?

:rolleyes: :rollface:
I just moved up here in September (for the first time) from NY (I'm dual citizen) so I know the hell you are going through Nammy ;).

No permits are required to bring things across the border, with one exception. Endangered Corals, but since we cant get those for our tanks anyways, that wont be an issue. Anything we keep, we can bring across the border with no permits.

Tim: They didnt say anything. They kinda asked what live rock and live sand was and I gave them a detailed description etc. They were very nice and easy to deal with.

I spoke with both customs and the ministry of agriculture.

If at the border crossing the US side decides to do an export control, you should still not run into any problems.

Oh and Nammy, I ran into one problem moving into canada. If you have a mattress, you cannot bring it back into canada unless you get it fumigated by a certified place. I found that out at the border and had to turn around and dump mine in a dumpster because I didnt have time to get it fumigated.

How long ago did this happen with the mattress?
We have people that move from here every year and that never happened. Although, we have moveres that do all the work. Maybe that's why. The only thing I'll have in my Jeep is the aquarium stuff. All the rest is done by the movers..
Thanks again
4 months ago.

I moved things myself though. If you are using a moving company, then they probably have that eazy cross thing to let them go straight through.
Daz, that is beautiful and inspiring. Makes me itchy to place an order (though the pocketbook won't let me yet ;) )
holy cow that must be some seriously heavy rock to have so much space left in a 50 gallon tank and 100 lbs of rock. Hope you didn't pay much for it
Actually robthorn, you will see the prices for TBS are better than you can get anywhere else and they ship it all in water, all completely alive and they have more life on them than any other rock as you can see.

Personally I dont want to have my tank packed wall to wall with rock, I dont like the too cluttered look. I like having space for my fish to swim, and space for my corals to grow.

Once I upgrade to a larger tank, I will make sure I have room between 2 sets of rockscapes making a divider of sand between them.
I agree totally with having plenty of room . I actually have my 180 set up just like you said with about a 10 inch patch of sand between to rock structures that are not just above the halfway mark in the tank. was it an actually weight of 100lbs of rock or 100lbs shipped including water? I was just thinking 100lbs of rock that I have in my tank would be overflowing in your tank. I have a 180 with maybe 125lbs at the most. I recently purchased 51 lbs at a lfs that is curring right now but I am thinking it might be more than I actually want but I am setting up a refugium so the extra will go in there. It seems that the 51 lbs I just bought is more mass than your 100lbs. How much is the rock at tbs? you will have alot more life on your rock shipped wet thats for sure. I am just scared of some of the life so I am letting it die off I have enough critters to seed the new rock already. something about mantis shrimp that makes me shiver. the rock does look good and filled with life