Finally in the big tanks!

Well your not really in the big tanks you just linked from the reef discussion. We'll let is slide though :) Hopefully you realize I'm joking. Congrats!
Here we go!







Labels came from Aquatic ecosystems.

The Rubbermaid is the sump. It has 8" pf sand in it. The 2 5 gallon buckets have holes drilled in them, the display tank drains into one and the prop tank into the other. They have a little bit of rubble in them to hold them in place. The buckets will help keep down on bubbles, and will hold cheato.
wow the way you did the labels is great, more explainations on overall equipment and what you are doing would be nice
Tank. 180 All Glass Reef Ready
Sump 70 gallon rubbermaid
Prop tank 90 gallon raceway
Fuge 60 gallon gravity drain to display
Surge 37 Gallon Borneman surge device
Pump Sequnce Dart

Display, Lagoon biotope.
Partial in wall. Extends 14" into the living room.

Lighting Display 3 400 watt metal halides. 2 Blueline ballasts 1 cap and core ballast. bulbs, going to try reeflux 10k

Prop tank, 2 250watt halides with pc actinics
fuge, 2 36ft T5 ho 67k

sump, 2 3ft vho daylight

The back of the display will have a removable black acrylic panel.

Any questions?
With no actinics, reeflux bulbs may be hit or miss. If they are white/blue you will likely be happy, but I've read stories of pink.

Have you considered 20k bulbs? They look white/blue in the 400w version. Much whiter than the 250w versions.

PS, you should know I am debating trying 400w reeflux bulbs, but am going to blend them with evc14k's.
i have the 400w reeflux 12k and they have a nice crisp blue color with good growth. however- ive also read reviews of the 10k being "too red" or "pink" when really it is just an absence of blue
Be carefull of the reeflux 12k. He mentioned he has a cap and core ballast. The reeflux 12k won't work on a standard mag ballast per coralvue.
Well, I ran XM20k with my blueline ballasts and loved the color, but growth was a little slow. I am currently running XM 10k on the blueline ballasts and they have good growth but awful color.

So, I am trying to find a middle ground, and so far it looks like the refflux 10k.
Yep. I am really trying to avoid running actincs, trying to keep power usage as low as possible.

I thought about running 3 175 10k and 3 175 20k, it would probably give me a good balance, but I already had 2 of the blueline setups for 400watt.
On my big work tank I am running 4 1000watt 20k and 4 400 watt 10 k and it looks great.

I had also tried adding 2 4ft actinics on my 120 which has the 2 400 watt xm 10k on it now, and you could not tell any difference.
So, I would have to add 4 6ft actinics to the 180, and am still not sure it they would make a big enough difference with the 10k.