Finger leather dead?


New member
I have a small finger leather coral that was doing fine untill a few days ago. Now it stays closed all the time. How long can they stay closed without dying? The only thing that has changed is a small increase the the salinity of the water. Would that be enough to kill corals?
My finger leather is the most sensitive thing in the tank. Recently had a inadvertant top off error and the salinity went down to 1.022 over several days.

We added some mag at first (because mg and ca were low. Duh because the salinity was low) anyway after the mg addition and salt mix addition it stayed closed for about 10 days.

Now it looks fine again.
I accidentally raised the salinity during a water change. It went from 1.024 to 1.026. Everything is doing ok. Just the leather closed up. I’ll give it a few more days. Thanks for the replies.
That's not a bad swing and I don't think that would have caused anything to die but I'm sure things in the tank noticed it and probably aren't real happy about. Like you said ... give it a few days they'll come around!