Finger Leather to Trade. How to Frag?


New member
I have a finger leather I bought about 6 months ago. Its getting too big for my 29 gal. Looking to frag and trade if someone can tell me the best way to do it.

If interested let me know.

Will trade for pretty much whatever. not too picky just something with a little color to it!

thanks guys

Edit: pics here now

He is laying low because one of the power head came off suction cup and move so he moved to get into the flow. it funny because as soon as the flow moves, he moves with it. he is normally standing nice and tall (about 12inches or so) can make several small frags of this if needed

if interested i guess ill have to cut and let heal and attach to small rubble before being able to trade?? i guess thats how it works? no?


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but make sure you cut it out of the water, then rubberband it to a rock rubble( not to tight) at least that's how i have done them
How much would you sell it for?

ummmmm don't really want to sell entire thing but a good swap for one coral colony for the other wouldn't be a bad deal

hadn't really thought about selling entire thing.

what do you have to offer? can you post pics if interested in swapping?
I cut off an "arm" and take a needle and fishing line and put through the base of the "arm" tie it to a piece of LR rubble. Works like a charm and attached in just a few days and you can remove the fishing line.
My favorite method with leathers is to spear the frag with a plastic cocktail pick then loop a rubberband around the ends of the pick to attach hold it to the rock. Works like a charm!