Fire shrimp spawn pics

cool i know they are hermaphrodites but i dont know will mines get paired and mate..they still chase eachother for territory

I think any 2 shrimps (from same species) will even tually pair up and spawn. I Always have 2 cleaner and 2 fire shrimps pairs in my tanks and they're always carrying eggs. I was considering adding few pairs in the tank or sump as I'm sure the added eggs would be very beneficial to fish and corals.
Thanks for info

Thanks for info

I see,
Bcuz I was wondering what if mines are from the same batch and wouldnt mate but that shouldnt be the case since even dogs inbreed..
If I can reproduce my shrimps that would be a great achievement for me..
I will try to rear them in my own tank in a rearing unit. I need a 65 micron mesh bag..I found a place who sells them but they dont answer my emails yet.
this is the link
My fire shrimp with eggs

My fire shrimp with eggs

Above you can see the photos of my fire shrimp carrying eggs after a month I bought it and the video of 10 gal aquarium to raise the larvae.
If you look up the close up picture you can see the eyes of the larvae as white dots since the flash of the camera reflected as white dots because of their eyes. I still don't know how I am going to feed the larvae. I found this egg yolk recipe but it's confusing. And also I couldn't find liquid fry food at the stores.
If you guys can help with me with this issue, what to feed them that'd be great. Thank you.