First Acropora PICS


New member
Well I am taking a jump into SPS and this is my first acropora. I am kinda a research project for my LFS because they claim it will do more then fine under my lighting( 2 corallife 96watt power compacts in an 18gallon). Just got it today and here are some pictures.




Any comments or opinions are always welcome and appreciated. Thanks

Well it looks like a millipora to me. The last picture doesnt look too healthy though. I would baby it for a while. It looks bleached so keep it on the bottom to see if it will put some color on.
lol high or low? so no one seems to be worried about lighting. I currently have it higher in the tank. I will feed it tomorrow. Thanks

It looks bleached. I'd put it out of intense light until it regains some zoox, and then slowly work it into more light.

I wouldnt bother trying to feed it specifically either. Acropora need really small food (<100 microns or even smaller). Just feed your tank normally.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8393503#post8393503 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lobster
It looks bleached. I'd put it out of intense light until it regains some zoox, and then slowly work it into more light.

I wouldnt bother trying to feed it specifically either. Acropora need really small food (<100 microns or even smaller). Just feed your tank normally.

Ok, I move the milipora to the bottom for now since everyone says its bleached. Is that really a good idea with a 18gallon tall tank w/ pc's for lighting? Thanks

Id prob have it as high as possible. IMHO, PCs are only adequate if everything is in place, i.e. parameters, healthy coral to begin with etc. I dont know what your parameters are that coral does look unhealthy so id suggest giving it the best chance, which i think would be as high as possible. I doubt you need to worry about light adjustment as it probably came from a tank that was better lit. HTH
Keep it low for a while..... less intense lighting will help the zoox along. When you see polyps extending and some color (even if its brown) start moving it up higher. Slowly bringing it to the top of your tank.
I feel bad for u because your getting very conflicting information. I would agree that with ur pc's it should go up high even though its bleached because its still not a lot of light.
I feel 4 u 2 dude,thats y i stayed away.With SPS its Par. That counts not watts per gallon.put him @ the top with good flow (not direct),& cross your fingers.O & tell your LFS that a good beginer sps is a montipora.
I think it looks like a prostrata, you might be ok with the pc's I used to use them and the stonys would grow, just not look very vividly colored.
i hate to confuse u by saying different things but IMO u need it high because it is only pc's but i feel that is suitable light for that as long as u keep your water in check. i wouldnt try any other kind of acro's milliporas require alot of light but not as much as a small polyped acro. good luck
I would agree with the place it high recommendation. You don't have a ton of light and I am guessing the LFS you got it from had it under halides, thus I don't thinkstarting it high in your tank should be a problem. In fact I think not enough lighting may be one of your biggest issues keeping it alive and healthy.
some people say move it down y i do not no.. his lighting is not intense at all... hes running CF's... my vote would be put it middle to upper levels in ur tank.. with the right nutrients and flow it and the coral being close to the light it should return some of its color and if ur levels are good maybe all...

also what are u levels at..


these are jus a couple important values in sps keeping... ;)
most SPS tanks uses t5s or metal halides due to the intensity and par rating. PCs aren't as intense. Most likely, when you bought it, it came from a tank with halides or t5s so placing it high should not be a problem at all. But like everyone else said, make sure the rest of your parameters are in check.
I would say keep it out of the tank and put it under heat was thinking about hamburgers again. oops